Tag: growth

MultiTech Systems – Ensuring Evolution of IoT

A unique trait of science-fiction films is the inherent intelligence of objects and the function of sensors. In fact, movies like Star Wars nurtured the idea by introducing talking robots like R2-D2, C-3PO, and vending…

LeanFeast – A Toast to Good Health

If you ask random people today about calorie intake or how to eat healthy, chances are that you will get an answer in the right direction. A decade or two ago, the chances would have…

Jeff Cook Real Estate – Helping People Find Their Dream Homes

In real estate business, it is easy to come across dealers who impress buyers by their extensive knowledge, but it is hard to find someone who “eats, sleeps, and breathes real estate.” When a company…

JDM Ventures – Assisting Clients with All-Inclusive Solutions

People are always extra finicky when it comes to finding a home for themselves. They look for perfection in each and every corner as they would like to spend their life there and share their…

Irish Titan – Aiding Companies with Holistic Solutions

Only a handful of companies know what they are doing AND why. Irish Titan stands out as one such company. This can be to an extent attributed to their immense love for Simon Sinek and…

InfoPower: Simplifying Methods, Optimizing Outcome

Advancing Technologies are good, but implementing a cluster of them is like inviting chaos, something that companies try to avoid in order to maintain a seamless workflow and steady influx of revenues. Present market scenarios…

GroGuru – Increasing Profit, Inspiring Sustainability In Agriculture

The burgeoning global population is nearing the 8 billion mark, and it poses two immediate crises; one associated with food and the other with the land. Why land? Because it is the basic need for…

TidalScale – Inspiring Effective Workload Management

IT is fast becoming the mainstay of industries across strata, and it demands constant pampering and nudging with all the latest technologies. This is emerging as a challenge for companies as it requires a strong…

IDHUBS – From Sharing Intellect to Empowering Generations

Communication is an essential part of growth and its efficacy depends on bridging external with internal communications. But sometimes, instead of a bridge or a platform, what lies between them is a vast abyss and…

Avekshaa Technologies – Tested By Time, Trusted By Clients

Staying ahead is needed, but staying pertinent is crucial for continued growth in IT solutions business. This is something the brains behind Avekshaa Technologies realized pretty fast, even before the actual inception of the company…