Category: Women Leaders

Rena McDonald: A Compassionate Leader Helping People with Legal Needs

Humans by nature are selfish beings. We are compelled to believe that we deserve others helping and taking care of us, without having the minute understanding that it goes the other way as well. However,…

Murshidah Said: Empowering Leaders, Creating Communities

It is believed that our unique talent and gift leads us to our purpose. However, it is merely a part of the whole truth. Another significant part of this ‘purpose’ is that it grows when…

Ashley Horner: Redefining the Meaning of Community

Community is core to human health and society. Communities are woven into the fabric of a healthy life, not only socially but politically, environmentally, economically, and health-wise. And there is something very satisfying about belonging…

Sattie Persaud: A Believer Exhibiting the Art of Giving

The human mind seeks connections. If we have good news, we want to share it with our loved ones. If we have bad news, we rely on others for emotional support. Whatever we do, we…

Charlotte Howard: Helping Women Grow Personally & Professionally

The world of business is fast-paced. Irrespective of whether you are running an established business or just commencing one, you will always look for novel ways to grow your enterprise and improve the bottom line.…

Pam Kurt: Helping People to be the Best Version of Themselves

The five-letter word ‘faith’ is as strong as its meaning and diction. When heard or read, the expression brings soothing, positive energy to the human mind. It would be hard to apply logic or any…

Kate Broddick: Cultivating a Mindset of Growth and Support

Inherently, entrepreneurship is a field that is risky. It is riddled with complications and is unpredictable in nature. However, persistence and belief go a long way in turning an entrepreneurial vision into reality. It enables…

Jennie Lok: Sharing the Knowledge of Success in Real Estate

What is the point of having knowledge if you do not share it? Knowledge without actions is just plain white noise. And in today’s contemporary evolving world, having knowledge itself is no longer a power.…

Galit Ventura-Rozen: Leading the Way for Women in Business and Beyond

Businesses succeed when determined people work together as a team to pursue a shared vision. Curiosity, clarity and candor are the cornerstones of this victory. Every team member must question the methods, understand their roles…

Interview with CEO of Austin Communications – Camille Trott

What according to you makes for an inspiring leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership? An inspiring leader can be defined in a multitude of ways. Much of leadership involves positively…