Tag: leadership

Jayson Jhonson: Meet The Filmmaker Entrepreneur

In our Celebration of Black History Month, we are interviewing various entrepreneurs that are making a global change with their leadership ideas and vision. Click on this link to view the digital magazine of our February special issue…

Dr. Michael L. Curry: Creating a Lasting Impact

As global warming intensifies and climate change takes center stage, more and more companies are realizing the impact of their actions. They are, in fact, taking small yet significant steps to responsibly cope with the…

Allison Walsh: Driving Unmatched Results

Leadership is a unique and multifaceted blend that inspires and fuels progress. At the forefront of this dynamic force are leaders who drive results, the catalysts of change who infuse their teams with purpose and…

Interview with Rishi Anand: Beyond the Language Barrier

What according to you makes one a powerful leader? How does Rishi Anand integrate the same thought into his leadership? Strong leadership is when you can encourage, motivate, inspire, and challenge your team to produce their…

How Two Young Female Entrepreneurs Use Their Love for the Arts to Advance Their Community

The COVID19 pandemic inspired countless adults to reassess their career and life choices and perhaps make some changes. But it was not only adults that felt they could have a greater impact. Two young female…

10 Useful Tips to know before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Is your business expanding to the point where you have too much to do and not enough time to get it done? As a business owner, you may be getting bogged down by day-to-day administrative…

Alina Su: Creating a Future of Hope

It is said that there is no better exercise for the heart than reaching out to lift people up. It is liberating, empowering, and transformational. It is powerful! With the same intention of lifting people…

Management Tips: How Entrepreneurs Succeed in Business

The sign of a good entrepreneur is one who can increase output and morale in the workplace. A key component of effective management is cultivating an environment where workers feel valued and empowered to pursue…

Andrew Lampros: Setting an Example of Excellence

Building a career in the legal profession is a lot more than just benefitting from monetary gains and high-profile cases. In fact, the core tenets of being an effective lawyer are fighting for justice, defending…

50 Best Powerful Leadership Quotes in History

Leadership quotes can be a great way to get inspired and motivated. They can provide you with the push you need to achieve your goals and become a better leader Quotes can also help remind you…