Tag: innovation

Tyler Bray – Building a Culture That Hones Talents and Ensures Growth

A reverse pyramid is unthinkable. But what if it’s possible? Obviously, it is not about toppling the actual pyramid. In an organization, the power structure often works in a pyramid-like shape, where the owner sits…

Ron Shimkus – Taking the Risk out of Restoration

“Have you ever driven through the mountains at night with your headlights off?” Ron Shimkus asked. “Me either!” he said, not waiting for an answer. We were beginning our discussion and the topic was “uncertainty.”…

Beaulive – Showcasing Excellence Through Design

Looking at New York, one may conclude that no other cosmopolis is grander than this, especially from an architectural perspective. The city hardly sleeps and keeps people on their toes for long. But then, when…

Zinnovate International – Ensuring Optimal IT Support for Freight and Logistic Companies

Our fast-paced life does not allow much time for shopping. Especially for those who spend countless hours in front of their laptops. That is why we prefer the comfort of touch to select products and…

VoteBash – Making Voices Heard

It often enthralls people when they realize their voices are getting heard. It encourages them to open up to causes, to challenges, and to movements, anything that can usher in a change. VoteBash is one…

NetNumber – Helping Clients Sync with Transforming Digital Platform

Times are changing, so are the operational platforms. Initially, there were hiccups when industries switched from analog to digital. However, transformations are taking place at a rapid pace. The leap from 2G to 3G and…

Nesplora – Ensuring Wellness with Pragmatic Assessments

People often complain about stress and other sorts of psychological troubles. Sometimes it is the fast-paced life that affects the psychological shape, and sometimes it is hereditary. No matter what, its impact can be life-altering.…

NCDMM – Connecting Technologies. Delivering Excellence.

Since its inception in 2003, The National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM) has always stood out with its collaborative manufacturing solutions. The company has leveraged the power of collaboration to build trusted relationships…

MultiTech Systems – Ensuring Evolution of IoT

A unique trait of science-fiction films is the inherent intelligence of objects and the function of sensors. In fact, movies like Star Wars nurtured the idea by introducing talking robots like R2-D2, C-3PO, and vending…

InfoPower: Simplifying Methods, Optimizing Outcome

Advancing Technologies are good, but implementing a cluster of them is like inviting chaos, something that companies try to avoid in order to maintain a seamless workflow and steady influx of revenues. Present market scenarios…