Exeleon Magazine

Tag: money

How to Keep a Transportation Business Alive

Running a transportation business can be challenging, but with the right strategies and investments, it is possible to keep it afloat. To do this successfully requires building a strong network, investing in people, diversifying your…

5 Benefits of Using an Online Pay Stub Generator

Owning a business is everyone’s dream and sounds fascinating until things get to finances.  Managing the money efficiently is the first step towards making your business successful. If you are struggling with it, an online…

Online Business Methods you can’t Ignore

Any eCommerce venture relies on multiple ways to engage with the audience and increase sales and traffic. But there are some that have emerged recently that you can no longer ignore. Some require expert knowledge,…

How To Expand Your Small Business to Global Market

Expanding to a global market is an exciting prospect for any business. It can provide several benefits, such as access to a large customer base, increased market share, and potential for higher profits. According to…

Jayson Jhonson: Meet The Filmmaker Entrepreneur

In our Celebration of Black History Month, we are interviewing various entrepreneurs that are making a global change with their leadership ideas and vision. Click on this link to view the digital magazine of our February special issue…

6 Stunning Facts About Franchising

Franchising is an excellent way to become your own boss without having to go through the painful startup process. You essentially walk into a ready-made business and then make it your own, taking the profits…

Ken Collis: Building a Lasting Legacy

Legacy is not leaving something for people, it’s leaving something in people – Peter Strople. Cultivating a legacy mindset is not limited to leaving generational wealth, it’s about creating opportunities that have a sustained impact…

9 Essential Tips to Help You Select the Perfect Bed

Your bed is one of the most crucial furniture in your bedroom. After a hard day of work and activity, it is your comfy bed you go to rest and sleep. However, getting a good…

James Patrick: Pursuing Outcome

There are plenty of pathways to reach the top of the ladder and become a leader. But according to James Patrick, when one places the entire energy into the outcome of providing to others, one…

Is Entrepreneurship an Science or a Art?

The answer may surprise you. For years, the debate has raged on: is entrepreneurship an Science or a Art? On one side, you have those who argue that it’s more of an art form, requiring…