Tag: gadget

The World’s Chunkiest AI chip

Cerebras introduced its latest AI chip in the recent ‘Hot Chips’ tech convention and it is fair to say that microchips are no longer micro. While the largest silicon-based AI chip in use currently measures…

What to Remember before buying an iPhone?

If you are reading this article, chances are that you already own a smartphone. It might be powered by the Android operating system or a Windows or an Apple iOS device. Suffice it to say…

The Modern Tool of Human Apocalypse: Autonomous Weaponry

From the fictitious Star Wars dilemmas to the real-time political crisis at the United Nations, AI powered Autonomous Weaponry has raised many eyebrows and led to a number of debates. As intelligent as it may…

Essential Tricks to Save your Eyes from Computer Screens

During your childhood, you most certainly may have been at the receiving end of various people screaming at you over the top of their voice, asking you to stay away from your phone or computer…

Emojis: The Ugly Side of Using Emoticons

It all started way back, when some people realized they’re putting a “:” followed by a “)” It would actually debit a picture of your face smiling, even though it was horizontally rotated anticlockwise by…