What is the purpose of technology? Why is its advanced form so coveted? Ask anyone and the answer would be to ease the life of human beings by instilling it with never imagined before level of comfort. A perfect human-technology synchronization can achieve greater things. In fact, there is an ideal example of Stephen Hawking, the renowned theoretical physicist.
Things like these are more plausible since the introduction of artificial intelligence or AI. People are now thinking more in terms of humanoids or cyborgs, but that route may give rise to ethical questions. On the contrary, Frasil came up with much easier solutions and simpler terms where the user’s desires will prevail.
Frasil is a company that weaves lofty ideas with everyday demands. Its primary concern is to give a better life to those who suffer for their disability. As a way out, it came out with diverse companion solutions that are supposed to guide people in need. It increases the platform’s efficiency by creating tools and programs to ensure that people can access it easily and engage with their respective communities.
Why and What?
A close look at the rapidly-rising technologies would reveal that technologies are designed for those who live a fast-paced life. But a pause to dig deep into matters would reveal how capable these technologies are in helping out people with disabilities. It is true for technologies like AI and machine learning. Apart from its ability to guide people in performing gargantuan jobs, it can also get down to a more human level where it can provide personalized experience regardless of mobility, disability, or capability.
Frasil found this as an opportunity and banked on this ability to form a humanoid that will learn the precise need of its user to deliver a bespoke experience, even if it has to serve millions of clients.
It developed twelve apps to provide a holistic experience and they are powered by a Machine Empathy engine: MyEntertainment, MyHome, MyFeelings, MyNeeds, MyVoice, MySelf, and MyDay are a few among those.
The Intent Behind
Fran Killoway, the CEO and the mind behind Frasil, started this venture to make people self-sufficient. She learned the importance of it from her experience of over two decades and she infused that in her experiment while chalking out plans for it. Her ideas were demanding tangible solutions for disabled people and this new interpretation of AI, she thinks, can solve the puzzle. After all, there is no point in paving the way for the future without building one for today.