Tag: featured

Brian J Esposito: A Dynamic Leader with The Magic Touch

An entrepreneur must inspire confidence – not only in his team, but also company partners, vendors, investors, stakeholders, customers, or potential customers. This is what Brian J Esposito – serial entrepreneur and dynamic business leader,…

Alex Leveto: Setting an Example of Purpose-Driven Leadership

In recent years, there has been a shifting inclination towards purpose-driven leadership, especially in the world of business. Academics have persuasively argued that one of the key roles of a leader is to be a…

Jean-Christian Rindoni – Improving Sanitisation Process to Enrich Lives

A lot of people travel each year and the buzzing stations, ports, and hotels can vouch for that. However, only a tiny fraction among them prefer exploring places. Exploring a place depends on a person’s…

Kenneth Bond – Bridging the Gap between Tech Solutions and Customer Demands

The software space is witnessing a colossal uptake with a lot of industries like Oil & Gas, Freight, Logistics, Dispatch, Supply Chain Management, Delivery, and others demanding more inclusive digital tools and simplified methods of…

Interview with Founders of Rock Paper Coin

What according to you makes for an inspiring leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership? Successful leaders can have many different qualities but one that always stands out is empathy. At…

Dejan Stancer: More Than Just a Leader

Throughout your journey, you have been recognized as an inspiring leader. What according to you makes you an inspiring leader? We live in a time when everything is somehow changing. The way forward seems uncertain…

Suzana Demir – Serving Communities with a Purpose

The medical equipment segment is witnessing an overhauling change due to the constant percolation of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and machine learning. Its impact is multifold. On one hand, the diagnostic sector…

Paul Griffin – Ensuring Expansion by Enriching Sales Channels

The success of any entrepreneurial venture lies in its ability to reach out and impact. These ventures often get a single shot to make or break and ensure a long run for the company. For…

Troy Vincent: Shaping the Future of the Football Ecosystem

The definitive mark of a great leader is humility. Inspiring entrepreneurs may stand firm on their core principles, but receptive leaders are also good listeners who heed the opinions of all stakeholders and do the…

Marc Sorrentino: Building Dreams. Delivering Promises.

Overcoming difficulties, witnessing changes, and yet adhering to your own beliefs is not an easy task. This requires a lot of perseverance and determination, and chalking a proper road map that will never let you…