Marc Sorrentino: Building Dreams. Delivering Promises.

Marc Sorrentino_Exeleon Magazine_Cover Story

Overcoming difficulties, witnessing changes, and yet adhering to your own beliefs is not an easy task. This requires a lot of perseverance and determination, and chalking a proper road map that will never let you steer off the track. Marc Sorrentino is a combination of all these factors. What he also has is a firm root in the guise of his family that provides him with the strength to withstand adversities.

Marc never had to look far for inspiration. His family is his most significant driving factor and the dream to be the best in his field fires up his grey cells to come up with unique and path-breaking strategies. In a way, his inspirations nurtured him and let him blossom the way he always wanted to be. However, the beginning was not always easy. Like any other entrepreneur, he had to face hardships and turmoils of several kinds. But he never let them bog him down. In our latest Cover Feature, we look into the story of this inspiring business leader.

Marc’s Work Mantra

There are few things that shape Marc’s moves. He never thinks of failure as a life-changing factor; he believes that success lurks around the corner. One has to believe in it and pursue it till he achieves it. Trials and tribulations are part and parcel of life. What matters is the way you figure out moves to overcome it.

The other constant factor in his life is his trust in God. For him, no obstacle can be greater than Him, thus infusing a sense of optimism that is very hard to discard. It shapes his path, his visions, and his coming years. Such firm beliefs have created no scope for doubts to meddle with his work.

At the same time, a close-knit bond with his family has helped him in staying motivated. For that, he gives credit to his mother Linda Sorrentino and sister Melissa Sorrentino. Their support has a great impact on whatever he plans for his work and future.

All these aspects have taught him that lingering in the past is not good for his personal life and business. That is why he does not want to look back and assess what things can be changed. What is in the past has passed and cannot be altered. It is better to focus on the present and the future. Marc Sorrentino often explains this belief using a simple analogy, “There is a reason your front windshield is much larger than your rearview mirror. If you are always looking in the rearview mirror, you are never going to be making the correct decisions for the present that will ultimately shape your future.”

Marc’s Stand as a Leader

Most leaders set examples to inspire their followers so that they can achieve greatness. Marc believes in the same process. A true leader for him emerges only after the ablution process he undergoes while experiencing adversities on both personal and professional fronts. It is like creating a mold in the fire and then getting it right. Such experiences provide credibility to judgments and people value that. It helps a leader earn respect from his peers and followers.

But at the same time, there are traits that a leader needs to incorporate. These are dedication, determination, and discipline. Such features help a leader to overcome his obstacles and counter all the tough times he encounters. It comes with “the first-hand experience of both personal and professional loss, from getting knocked down over and over again but refusing to stay down and getting up time and time again.”

These beliefs have inspired Marc Sorrentino to set a standard for himself. It has shaped his style of leadership. As its result, he never asks anyone “to do something or undertake an endeavor” that he will not do himself.

The X-Factor

A business starts garnering accolades only when it firmly establishes its USP or X-factor. It is something that becomes decisive for clients and helps the venture create a lasting impression. It is needed to stand out from the crowd. Especially in an industry like real estate, where each year witnesses an influx of many new entrepreneurs, such things are crucial. It can give the entrepreneur a make or break moment.

Marc knows this and has learnt his lessons from his experience in the field. The sector is highly customer-centric. That is why client satisfaction requires ultimate attention. But this is also something that most of his peers would claim that they deliver the best for their client.

But for Marc Sorrentino, there is one more thing that sets the tone of his approach. He believes in delivering what he promises no matter what it may cost him or how difficult it is to achieve. He never deflects his clients from their original goals. Marc explains this by saying, “You don’t break your word and you don’t change your mind. That is how I built my reputation and that is how I ensure optimal client satisfaction.”

The COVID Call

Disruption is a buzzword now. Irrespective of the industry, people promise a disruption in the established order to bring something new as it guarantees, to some extent, visibility in the market. If you can reap the benefits of that window, then you can gun for a sustainable future.

But the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was totally unexpected. In 2020, the mass outbreak changed a lot of business dynamics. No one got enough time to prepare for this onslaught. Some ventures collapsed, some found a fresh lease of life, and some new avenues opened. But industries like real estate took heavy setbacks due to the financial crisis.

The initial three months March, April, and May, witnessed several delays in closings with prospective buyers and investors. That had a major impact on the market and entrepreneurs had to take measures accordingly to let the implications subside. But after that, the industry has seen a “great appreciation of over 20% in most northeastern markets.” Two factors played in favor of the market: the drastic limitation of homes and the fall in interest rates. In fact, the rates have never dipped so much since 1982. These have inspired the market to perform phenomenally.

But such times also call for adherence to strict measures. That is why Marc Sorrentino takes all the precautions as mandated by Governor Murphy. He goes a step further to ensure that he is healthy by undergoing weekly tests. He is also trying to make things digital as much as possible to curb physical contact using professional photographers for photography and videography.

Taking the Digital Route

The real estate industry is experiencing a sea of change in terms of business dealings with end clients. It is primarily because of the rapidly evolving digital platforms. People do not have time in their hands, thereby forcing them to go online and check out new sites and opportunities. That is why Marc Sorrentino has upgraded his systems to match the prospect.

However, the field also relies substantially on brick and mortar systems as people prefer to check out the actual site. After all, it is about fulfilling dreams. It inspired Marc to build a system that is a perfect outcome of the blend of both the digital medium and the traditional selling models.

Social media has a substantial impact on his business. Such realizations have triggered a new decision – he now wants to develop an internet platform to streamline the investment, renovation, and resale process. It will “create wealth for average real estate investors and help them achieve financial freedom.”

What is VRI Homes?

VRI Homes is a platform that offers real estate services that encompass sections like residential, multi-family, and commercial. Marc’s expertise here helps from the lease up to the ground to enable his clients to attain their desired goals. It has an advantage as its brokerage is centered on the internet, social media marketing, and the community and surrounding areas.

For the Future

The past offered its fair share of roadblocks and Marc countered it well. Each step bears a mark of a well-chalked plan and the future is a part of that. He now wants to be “the highest-grossing real estate broker in the Northeast; then the country.” Marc has set a target for himself to renovate three to five properties per month. This will help him in his expansion plans.

He also has a plan to build a website that is subscription-based “to allow members to purchase properties that are undervalued in need of renovation.” This will help an average person build wealth by renovating properties using the site’s expertise and contractors. This will not only help Marc and his family grow but those who want to create a new revenue stream for themselves.

Marc Sorrentino is a serial entrepreneur, but that does not mean he succeeds all the time. His decisions, at times, backfires. However, he believes that for a business person, it is essential to act. It is the ability to make decisions that count. “Decisiveness is the key. Action is the key to success.”

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