Often a single incident changes the course of our life. People transform and evolve from there for either the better or worse. It changes the perspective, the way people look at things and then decide to act. Accordingly, they chart a route and proceed. Those who want to create a lasting impact take measured steps, each designed to deliver something towards a set goal or take them to the next level.
This is the story of Krystle Gomez, the Founder & CEO of CIMI Ventures P.C. When she was young, she experienced her little brother’s death, which inspired her to become who she is now – a compassionate and dedicated woman who loves to live each moment to its fullest and incorporates that vivacity in whatever she does. In fact, the work culture she nurtures in her company reflects this aspect.
What inspired Her Moves?
The career she chose as the stepping stone was inspired by a decision she took while studying law at University of Pennsylvania Law School. She found the idea of becoming an international corporate lawyer quite alluring, as this comes with a scope of expanding the international reach. To achieve that, after completing her law degree, she opted for a global MBA program, which allowed her to travel to distant parts of the world. She lived in Europe and Asia throughout the program and got an opportunity to hone her craft with both classroom studies and field lessons.
As its outcome, she developed an immense love for diverse cultures. It provided her with insights regarding how business gets done in different parts of the world – the lessons enveloped aspects like business customs, negotiation strategies, and problem-solving.
After getting her degree, she moved to New York to work with an international law firm. But the job made her realize that working as a corporate attorney on international deals is starkly different in practice than what it appears on paper. The lessons she learned there and in school were invaluable as that helped her move onto the next stage – forming her own company.
For Krystle, working in a big firm was never the ultimate goal as she always wanted to engage with businesspeople who are passionate about the products and services that they offer. This formed the core of CIMI Ventures, where Krystle believes in strengthening the foundation of client companies. To substantiate her beliefs, she says, “Over the years, I’ve worked with companies at all revenue levels, but the key to the success of my company is the relationship I build with each and every client.” This entire method guarantees client satisfaction as working closely with them allows her to get insights and deliver expected results.
When she digs deep into her work, she gives it everything it deserves to build a cadence. For that matter, Krystle never shies away from working at odd hours or on unexpected days. This dedication is a trait she inherited from her parents who instilled in her a strong sense of work ethic, where sitting idle is not an option.
In similar ways, she devotes herself to activities out of her work zone. She believes in experiencing each moment and appreciating their worth. When it comes to travel, she is always ready with a bag packed and gets pumped by activities that inspire some adrenaline rush. Some of her activities may sound crazy at first, but they define who she is – from running with bulls in Pamplona to skydiving, bungee jumping, skyscraper rappelling, and wing-walking, she has done it all.
As a leader, there are certain things that keep her on track all the time. These features she learned from her parents from a very young age. They taught her to be compassionate and have a lasting impact on community and relationships, which inspired her to become very involved in giving back to her own community. Krystle is a Board member of the Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation, a non-profit that “raises critical funds to support the Seattle Animal Shelter.” She believes so strongly in the need to help animals that she is training to get her pilot’s license to ensure that she can be more hands on in “helping to rescue animals who need transport to no-kill shelters and other safe havens.”
She is also a mentor to junior colleagues and delivers lectures at conferences to promote women in STEM.
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Views On Her Past And As An Inspiring Leader
Krystle always prefers to look ahead. She does not wish to change anything from her past or spend time reliving mistakes. However, she admits that there were mistakes and she learned valuable lessons from each of them, which allowed her to grow personally and in business.
Given a chance, in an alternate space, she might have become a veterinarian as she loves to help animals, but she is now pursuing that passion in a different way.
When she was young, her parents used to talk about business at their dining room table, which actually set the tone for her future. She developed a genuine knack for it and then pursued it with an unwavering attitude to evolve into who she is now.
Amidst all her activities and involvement in the business, she gets very little downtime. She used to find it difficult to say no but now has learned to say yes where she finds investing her time most worthwhile and satisfying.
When Krystle was younger, her views on leadership were completely different from what she believes now, “I thought a leader was what I saw in movies – powerful people in boardrooms, making strong decisions.” Over time her views have transformed. She has experienced the crucial difference between the two – power and leadership – and knows they are not necessarily the same.
Krystle’s take on leadership is holistic in approach. It covers grounds right from the ideation stage to execution, “True leadership is the ability to offer thoughtful insights or a plan for action, delivered in a way it can be best received, in order to motivate others to take the desired action.” A leader, as she opines, “must have the confidence to take action, the knowledge to support their plan, and the ability to execute upon it; and they must instill in others a motivation to join.” And these all file a single line when there is trust among players.
Still, she recognizes that leaders also make mistakes. If that happens, they should accept it and offer a heartfelt apology, and take steps to rectify it. This part is necessary as it helps in earning respect.
The Future She Has Envisioned
Krystle, while planning for her future, has envisioned a steady course that prioritizes ‘business relationships and relationships with the community.’ Her definition of success for herself and the company is precise and that is founded on efforts directed towards building ‘a reputation for excelling as a partner to clients.’ She also wants to devote time and energy to causes that are aligned with her beliefs and goals.
Her role as an entrepreneur is built upon pillars of compassion and conviction. This has helped her win new clients and maintain a healthy relationship with others she works with. Such features always create scope for expansion and lead to better prospects.