This profile of Galit Ventura-Rozen is part of her Cover Feature in Exeleon’s latest issue of Women Entrepreneurs to Watch featuring The Iconic Women from Everyday Women.
All too often, we have seen terms like “iconic” being loosely used in the realm of online media, thus diluting their significance and overall impact. Moreover, this casual overuse not only undermines the true essence of the term but also blurs the lines between what is genuinely iconic and what is merely trendy.
For Galit Ventura-Rozen, iconic is not merely a label or a catchy branding tool, it’s a reflection of her unwavering commitment towards empowering women and making a lasting difference.
She explains, “Becoming iconic isn’t just about achieving success or recognition—it’s about leaving a lasting impact, imprinting your essence on the world. It’s about embodying authenticity, daring to stand out from the crowd and staying true to yourself, even in the face of adversity.”
To Galit, iconicity is characterized by a relentless commitment to one’s beliefs, the courage to chart an unconventional path, and the ability to inspire and uplift others. Iconic figures radiate passion, resilience, and unwavering determination, igniting a spark within those around them. They are not deterred by setbacks or vulnerability; instead, they view these challenges as opportunities for growth, transforming obstacles into triumphs and setting an example for others to follow.
In her role as the Co-Founder of Everyday Woman, Galit prioritizes authenticity and resilience, while setting an example of unwavering commitment to the core values of her company. She inspires her team to embrace their individuality, pursue their goals with courage, and learn from both successes and setbacks. By fostering a culture of empathy and empowerment, Galit aims to motivate each team member to leave a lasting impact, create their own legacy, and become ICONIC.
The Starting Mark
Galit began working with her father at the age of 18 – working at the front desk of his office. Seeing how her father ran his business not only helped her learn so much about the craft of entrepreneurship; it fueled a desire within her to be an entrepreneur herself.
Following her graduation, at the age of 21, when most of her friends were seeking traditional employment, Galit was determined to carve her own path.
She decided to enter the real estate space, obtained her license, and within 2 years she started her first company in commercial real estate. She recalls, “When I started in this industry it was rare for a woman to own a commercial real estate company.”
Despite facing challenges, her passion for the industry and her ability to work with multimillion-dollar investors fueled the growth of her company.
As she built her business, Galit recognized the importance of empowering other women to succeed. She began volunteering as a mentor for young women’s leadership programs and offered guidance to anyone interested in entering the industry. “I made sure that anyone that called me and wanted to learn about how to get in the industry, I would meet them and guide them the best way I could.”
Galit’s desire to make a broader impact led her to pursue a master’s degree in therapy, aiming to help women overcome limiting mindsets. This led to the creation of her second business, Empowering U, where she speaks professionally at events and trains employees to be leaders, excel in sales, and adopt a success mindset.
In March 2020, with the emergence of the pandemic, Galit launched her third business, Everyday Woman—a Facebook group dedicated to supporting women professionals and entrepreneurs.
Today, this online community has grown to over 18,000 members, providing hundreds of tools to help women increase their visibility and attract more clients.
The ICONIC Framework
The primarily goal behind starting the Everyday Woman community was to create a space where women could connect, support each other, and find ways to develop their business in order to support their families.
While building the community, one of the most common requests Galit received was about how to attract more clients and increase revenue in their businesses. “What we found at Everyday Woman was, you must be known, be seen to get more clients,” Galit points out.
To address this need, Galit and her Co-Founder Angela Giles introduced the ICONIC Framework, designed to enhance visibility for women through various channels such as a TV network, authorship opportunities in books, and branding upgrades.
Galit is dedicated to helping women become more visible and thereby attract more clients to their businesses. By offering opportunities to host their own TV shows, become authors, and participate in high-end photo and video shoots, Everyday Woman empowers women to establish themselves as credible authorities in their respective fields. This visibility is crucial for their business growth and client acquisition.
In 2021, as part of its ICONIC framework, Everyday Woman released its first anthology project – featuring stories from 21 women leaders. Since then, the platform has published six books, collectively showcasing the experiences and insights of over 200 women.
Galit mentions, “We have found that women want to share their story to inspire and empower others. But also want to be credible, visible and authorities in their field.”
“Becoming part of one of our books or creating their own anthology with multiple authors and we do all the work has become a magnet for many women that reach out and can see the value in becoming a part,” she continues.
Just Do It
Galit encourages women who are contemplating entrepreneurship to take the plunge without waiting for the perfect moment. “Women are always waiting for the perfect time to start; the perfect time usually never arrives because perfect does not exist.”
She believes in the power of taking small, consistent steps towards one’s goals and emphasizes the importance of dedicating time to work on entrepreneurial aspirations while maintaining a current job. This approach can eventually lead to a successful transition to full-time entrepreneurship.
Visit Galit Ventura-Rozen Website.
Exeleon’s Women History Month.