Category: Expert Opinions

Between Art, Technology and Groceries By Nicole Buffett

Following is an article written by NFT leader, artist, and writer Nicole Buffett in our Women Shaping the Future issue. Upon first entering the Web3 space in early 2021, I, like so many of us,…

Which Passive Income Investments Have the Most Growth Potential Over the Next 5 Years?

In recent years, passive income has become a highly popular strategy for generating additional income. For entrepreneurs, it can be a great way to generate wealth while still focusing on other business ventures. And, who…

Entrepreneurs share tips on How College Students can make Extra Money while Studying

A 2018 study by Georgetown University found that 7 in 10 students work while in college, according to a report on With the high cost of tuition fees, textbooks, accommodation, and extracurricular activities, life as…

The Master Communicator’s Handbook: Creating Alignment

This is an excerpt from the Chapter 18 of The Master Communicator’s Handbook written by Teresa Erickson and Tim Ward. Used with Permission from the Authors To change the world, even just one corner of…

5 Cross-Border Trade Challenges That Can Be Addressed by Digitalization

Corporate banks are critical for helping drive growth and innovation in SMEs as well as in larger corporate clients. However, corporate banks and other similar financial institutions (FIs) are now at risk due to the…

Management Tips: How Entrepreneurs Succeed in Business

The sign of a good entrepreneur is one who can increase output and morale in the workplace. A key component of effective management is cultivating an environment where workers feel valued and empowered to pursue…

Michaela Green on The Downturn of the American Dream

Written By: Michaela Green, Licensed Realtor in Houston, TX “The American Dream” is widely heard in big speeches and is a selling point for the public to aim for big and avail the opportunity of…

Lead with Authenticity: A go-to Guide for Entrepreneurs

Written by Giorgio Genaus. As a leader, it can be easy to think that the best approach to leading your team is by being strong, insistent and showing that you always have certainty. While these…

Leadership Failures Driving the Great Resignation

Since early 2021, the Great Resignation continues to cause havoc in the employment world as millions of workers are making a mass exodus. More than ever, business leaders and employers need to think smart to…

The Role of Live Streaming: Influencers and Brand Marketing

The core fundamentals of marketing have never changed, but global brands should appreciate the ever-growing significance of influencers in today’s technology-driven society, particularly on live streaming platforms, and engage with the right influencers in the…