Edward Lomena: Driven by a Purpose of Helping Others in Despair

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Sometimes, all you need is a sign from the Universe to help discover your life’s purpose. And once you get your life goals sorted, and keep your vision firmly in sight, nothing can really stop you.

This has been the story so far for Edward Lomena, a renowned Plaintiff Lawyer at McDivitt Law Firm, Colorado. A stand out individual, Lomena’s journey towards becoming an attorney, and his unwavering faith in humanity and compassion, are what distinguishes him from any run-of-the-mill lawyer.

However, his journey was one that began with a personal loss, one which shaped his professional career and discover his life’s purpose.

The Beginning

An unsatisfactory childhood experience with a lawyer after his mother’s medical incident and demise, propelled Edward Lomena to become a lawyer himself. He realized that in times of despair, what people really want is a reassuring hand on the shoulder, a personal touch. His lawyer was unable to provide either, and Lomena was deeply disappointed.

He understood that a lot of people may be in a similar situation, desperately seeking legal help, but unable to attain the same. The then nineteen-year-old Lomena decided to fill in that vacuum and started studying for a career in law.

Finding a foothold

His journey as a lawyer has not been easy though. Starting as a trainee attorney at a small Plaintiff’s firm in New York, he fought cases for accident and injury victims in the first year of his career.

His next stint at an insurance defense firm, was to essentially save insurance companies from paying claimants their due redress. It was an extremely well-paying job, but one which prompted him to face a moral dilemma. Edward realized he was walking away from his original purpose – helping ordinary people who had been through life altering tragedies. Dissatisfaction and guilt gnawed upon him.

Soon after, Lomena realigned his career to his original purpose. He chose McDivitt Law Firm as his preferred destination to take his professional journey to new heights. Since then, Edward Lomena has not looked back.

Talking about his role as a lawyer, Edward mentions “As a lawyer I must influence the narrative for the judge, jury, opposing counsel and even my clients. I must apply those same philosophies to my team of attorneys to help them perform above and beyond.” He believes too many lawyers view the field of law as black and white, or get tied down by outdated modes of work. However, there is a pressing need to inject originality and creativity into the process. He emphasizes that he himself tries to influence his team of attorneys to think creatively in handling their cases.

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Empathy and Sincerity in Client Relations

Throughout his professional life, empathy and compassion have been Lomena’s guiding principles.

When accident victims reach out to him, they are assured of a patient hearing and a genuine commitment to their cause. He understands that an accident or injury can be debilitating in terms of both physical and mental trauma. His clients might never be able to work properly or support their family in future. They are confused and worried about an uncertain future and at that time may be unable to comprehend legal jargons or respond sensibly.

Here, Edward Lomena says listening with empathy is of utmost importance. “Listen to what they are telling you because that is what you are going to use to argue their case.”

He continues, “I do not believe personal injury cases are about the property damage or the medical bills; they are about the people and how the accident changed their lives. If you care about the client and empathize with their situation you will get them the best results.”

This personal touch is what distinguishes Lomena’s attitude towards his practice.

Moments of Doubt

Most leaders and professionals have their moments of self-doubt and hesitation. It is no different with Lomena. However, it is how one responds to those feelings is what makes one stand out from the crowd.

He admits to being overcome by an Imposter Syndrome now and then, but instead of getting bogged down by such feelings, he works harder to prove himself. He believes that hard work and genuine intention go a long way towards building solid relationships. Moreover, sincerity and authenticity have been the cornerstones in his practice, thereby helping him fight his clients’ cases effectively.

Edward Lomena emphasizes “…My job is to help my clients rebuild their lives after an accident that was not their fault. I walk them through every aspect of their case and keep them informed.”

Take on Leadership

Lomena firmly believes “Leadership, like empathy, is about having the ability to relate, connect and listen to your employees. Empathy doesn’t mean you always agree with them, but it shows that you are aware of their feelings and you are willing to understand them and appreciate them. When a leader shows empathy and that he cares, employees are more loyal, put in more effort and are overall happier.”

It is the same way he treats his clients, for whose cause he “fights like hell” to get them compensated adequately.

The Way Ahead

Edward Lomena has a high regard for his employer firm McDivitt. He asserts, “McDivitt will continue to rebuild clients’ lives, and will continue to be a philanthropic force in the community. I strongly believe McDivitt law firm is the best personal injury firm in Colorado.” Furthermore, he is confident of leading McDivitt to greater heights by influencing his team to think out of the box.

He has extremely high expectations from the new generation of attorneys at McDivitt. He believes they have some very talented young attorneys that will blossom into great trial attorneys. As a token of advice for such young attorneys, he mentions “When you try a case do not do what everyone else does. Use the skills and talents that you possess as an individual to try a case in a way that best suits you.”

On a personal front, Edward pictures himself developing and leading the best trial team in the country in the near future.+

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