This feature is part of our 100 Most Dynamic Leaders of 2023. Check out the entire issue and listing by clicking on this link.
What according to you makes one a dynamic leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your journey?
A dynamic leader is a person who is able to constantly adapt to change in the most effective and balanced way. In my own journey I had to adapt to new countries, new cultures, new languages, new ways of living and new ways of thinking many times.
I have learned to embrace change as inevitable and the only constant part of life. It made me resilient, adaptable, quick to learn, quick to implement, and it also expanded my level of empathy after meeting so many people from so many cultures and hearing their stories.
Dynamic leadership, in my understanding, is based on emotional intelligence, resilience, global world view, purpose drive business, empathy at work and at home, inclusiveness and humility.
How are you helping people unlock their full potential? What is your mentorship approach?
I believe in the balance of mind, body, and spirit, just like we have been taught centuries ago in the traditional eastern philosophical schools. Most people are not realizing their full potential, either because their mind is tormented and confused, their body is not at its optimal level of health and energy, or their spirit is absent in their daily life. I help people to restore all those connections with different parts of themselves.
My approach is a combination of the cutting edge western coaching tools and ancient eastern practices. Each person is created in a unique way, has a unique purpose and vision, and therefore requires a unique approach, tailored just for them. When a leader comes to me asking for coaching and/or guidance, we start with an honest conversation about all areas of life to see how things are right now and where they ideally should be.
Following that, I develop an individual customized coaching program for the duration of usually 6-12 months, because the process of transformation takes time and commitment on both sides. I do not babysit my clients; I encourage them to take full responsibility for their own life. I am here to walk by their side, as they are creating step by step the life, business, and relationship they truly want to have. I give them tools, practices, and assignments along this journey to help them realize their highest potential.
I also challenge them, when it is needed, because having tough conversations and finding courage to look in the eyes of truth is a part of the coaching journey. I always hold them in their highest potential, even when they themselves might not see the light. The journey of working with me is about a deep transformation, a metamorphosis, letting go of limiting beliefs, going past fears and mental limitations, seeing, and creating new opportunities and ways of thinking and being, taking bold actions when required, and learning to be patient when the life asks to wait.
It is a very holistic approach for the courageous and committed people, who want nothing but the best lives for themselves and everyone around them.
There are many pre-conceived notions and barriers when it comes to living a fulfilled and purposeful life. How do you help people break past those notions and barriers?
Most of the barriers are in people’s minds. As William Arthur Ward said “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” So many people don’t have a fulfilled and purposeful life because they don’t dare to dream it. I help them to break past their mental beliefs that are holding them imprisoned in the life they don’t like and create new neural pathways in their brains that empower them to create a life they truly desire.
The other aspect we often work on is clarity. Most people don’t know what they actually want. They have been living their lives for so many years based on other people’s expectations, that when I ask them “what do you actually want for yourself?”, people often go blank in their minds. In such cases it becomes a journey of reclaiming self-identity, getting to know who you are on a deep level, what are your own wants and needs.
In my experience, women often don’t know those things about themselves, because they are conditioned since a very young age to take care of everybody else’s needs before their own. That leads to a lack of self-knowledge, lack of self-esteem and lack of self-love. The step after that would be to find and cultivate inner strength and courage to take real actions in real life that would be aligned with the new vision of the life a person truly wants to be living.
Talk to us about your journey as a life coach thus far. What has been the biggest learning for you over the course of this journey?
Each human being is brilliant and unique. People just need to be regularly reminded how phenomenal they are. Human nature is fundamentally good and kind, and people want to do the right thing.
Sometimes circumstances come in a way and corrupt the soul for some time, yet all people want to forgive themselves for the mistakes they have made and to make peace with the past. I am very optimistic about humanity. I think that eventually we will create a society that is based on kindness, inclusion, sharing, empowerment, and contribution. I also keep learning over and over again the lessons of gratitude, humbleness, and patience. There are people out there with incredibly difficult, dramatic, and destructive life stories, and seeing their commitment to rebuilding themselves and to walk the journey of self-forgiveness and self-acceptance reminds me each time how privileged I am with the life I have created for myself today.
Other times I would meet extraordinary people who are top of the top of society, and I would be touched deeply by their humbleness, people skills and down to earth way of living. I am just so grateful and honored to do the job I am doing, where I get to meet incredible individuals all over the world, hear their stories, and help them to create a life of purpose, passion, and possibilities.
Finally, what is your vision going forward for your brand and community? What are you most excited about?
I am excited about officially launching a curated membership later this year for people who are united by passion, purpose, and possibilities of life. I would like to give my community soulfully curated experiences online and offline that will empower people to realize and embody their highest potential for the benefit of them and everyone around them.
I believe that together we can create so much goodness for the world. I would also like my podcast Timeless Teachings to become a go to place for people who want to learn from the best experts and thought leaders about self-mastery, human advancement, and happiness. I truly believe that each human being is here to live their best life, they just need to be reminded how amazing they are and given tools to realize their highest potential – that is exactly the mission of my podcast.
I also have a talk show out of Singapore, called YanaTV, and I would like it to become one of the most popular and impactful platforms that amplifies the voices of impactful and conscious people of Asia.
At YanaTV we are focusing on showing the extraordinary stories of ordinary people, and ordinary (relatable) stories of extraordinary people. You will see CEOs, thought leaders, celebrities, influencers, politicians, activists, artists, and simply ordinary people, coming as guests to the show and sharing their hearts open about life and business. The stories of resilience, forgiveness, acceptance, change, humility, transformation, renewal, courage.
The mission of YanaTV is to acknowledge the local Asian talents and to educate the world about movers and shakers of Asia.