Glaciers and ice caps are melting. Pollution levels are rising. Deforestation is now a burning problem. These are no longer just triggers; these are threats. Threats that can put a question mark on our survival. Only immediate measures can prevent the obvious natural cataclysm. As a possible solution, the renewable energy sector is fast emerging as an alternative.
Young minds, across the globe, are rising up to the occasion. They have first-hand knowledge of things happening around and are quick to adopt technologies needed to make necessary amendments. Hashveer Singh, the Founder and Managing Director of Veers Group, is one perfect example. A young and dedicated individual, Hashveer ensures that his company always maintains its focus on the renewable energy sector.
Fighting for climate and sustainable employment is easier in developed countries where people are more aware of looming crises. However, it is immensely difficult in a continent like Africa, where resources are mined without proper control and people are poverty-stricken. But these adverse conditions are also propellers for Veers Group. It influences Hashveer in giving his best to improve communities around.
Impacting Spheres
Veers Group encompasses myriad avenues. Their attempt is to increase the impact on society- and that has to be tangible. In Africa, there are uncharted routes that can be cultivated for profits both in terms of revenues and humanitarian grounds. Hashveer saw this as an opportunity at an early age. He stepped in, only to accelerate and outdo his peers.
Thus far, he has steered towards five directions and carved a niche for himself. These directions include REA (Revolutionizing Enterprises in Africa), REA Healthcare, REA Cleaning, Anle Africa Sustainable Development, and Veers Foundation. Each one mirrors the core ideology of the Veers Group – “To develop and employ innovative, sustainable and responsive development models that consistently deliver tangible results.”
Leading from the Front
A leader should always adhere to the vision and mission of the company. That is what Hashveer has done since he started the company. Veers Group has already emerged as a pioneer in renewable energy and sustainable mining in Africa. Hashveer made it possible by creating a diversified cluster of businesses to serve the renewable energy market from end-to-end.
Looking back, Hashveer has only one regret. He wishes he could have started earlier to make a more profound impact.