Telemedicine technologies have taken over the medical field with a surprise. But considering the challenges of modern day medical treatments, it becomes imperative to assume that telemedicine was a much-awaited solution. The edge of artificial intelligence along with mechanical innovations has allowed telemedicine to become a cost-effective technology for users.
The following benefits of AI telemedicine technology make it the most useful of all medical inventions:
Distance Patient Monitoring
A boon for individuals recovering from critical illness or displaced from populated areas for treatment, Telehealth or telemonitoring feature allows the physician to keep a check on the patient’s health from remote distances and prescribe medicines accordingly. A number of assistive artificially intelligent devices have enabled telehealth to prove to be so effective. These may include gadgets like glucose trackers which report the levels of patient’s blood sugar to the doctor and generate an alarm if situations become life threatening. Other similar tools like mobile phones or mobile health devices also track the medical health signs of the patient and make an accurate monthly diagnostic.
Automatic Communication Between Medical Agents
AI enabled medical devices conspicuously record the data of bodily health signs and send them across to medical experts. With the wide array of its network, it becomes easier for the patient to consult a medical practitioner from the comfort of one’s home, while the decrease in time of consultation also helps to prevent any emergency situations. Also termed as asynchronous telemedicine, this facility outgoes the necessity of physical interaction between patient, specialists and primary doctors by laying down a secured, sophisticated and interactive email link between the three, such that diagnosis of issues – be it critical or mild – can be performed over monitors. Such a relay is best suited for communications in dermatology, radiology and pathology cases.
On the Go Telehealth Consultation
AI telemedicine technology services have become even more advanced by collaborating with communication media companies, which have then bridged the distances between doctors and patients through technology that allows direct consultation with the help of microphone, internet connection and webcam. The brevity of sharing medical health data has further made real time telemedicine consultation a successful alternative to physical examinations.
It is interesting to see the ways in which seemingly simple devices can help the technological generation to avail healthcare facility – anytime and anywhere. And with its promising developments, humanity seems to come a step closer to realizing the mission of providing healthcare for one and all.