Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. leadership involves the use of power and authority to achieve certain goals. There are many different types of leadership styles, but two of the most popular are transactional leadership and transformational leadership.
What is Transformational Leadership?
Transformational leadership is a type of leadership that focuses on the transformation of individuals and organizations. Transformational leaders are those who inspire change in their followers by providing a vision and motivating them to achieve it. These leaders are often creative and innovative, and they work to empower their followers to reach their full potential.
What is Transactional Leadership?
Transactional leadership is a type of leadership that focuses on the exchange of rewards for performance. Transactional leaders often use carrot-and-stick tactics to motivate their followers. These leaders typically provide clear expectations and guidelines, and they offer rewards or punishments based on whether or not their followers meet those expectations.
What are the Differences Between Transactional and Transformational Leadership?
The main difference between transactional and transformational leadership is the focus of each type of leadership. Transformational leaders focus on the transformation of individuals and organizations, while transactional leaders focus on the exchange of rewards for performance.
Another difference between these two types of leadership is that transformational leaders are often more creative and innovative than transactional leaders. Additionally, transformational leaders work to empower their followers, while transactional leaders often use carrot-and-stick tactics to motivate their followers.
Conclusion: Which is better?
There is no clear answer as to which type of leadership is better. Each type of leadership has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each is more suitable for certain situations than others. It is important to choose the type of leadership that will best fit the needs of the situation and the people involved. Sometimes, a mix of both transformational and transactional leadership may be the best option.
Exeleon Magazine has been at the forefront of transformational leadership and has thus far featured numerous leaders in its transformational leaders issues.
If you think you’re a transformational leader, feature in Exeleon Magazine today.