Tag: cxo

Lead with Authenticity: A go-to Guide for Entrepreneurs

Written by Giorgio Genaus. As a leader, it can be easy to think that the best approach to leading your team is by being strong, insistent and showing that you always have certainty. While these…

Diversity and Inclusion or Beauty but not the Beast

The industrialist Andrew Carnegie once said, “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to…

Tom Greenwood shares why Entrepreneurs don’t need (only) Money

Too many new and small business are focused on the belief that an injection of cash will solve all their problems. A company is just like a building; if the foundation isn’t solid, the building…

Entering the Education Market: An Entrepreneur’s Four-Step Guide

More than ever, smart companies are entering or expanding in the education market, many of them in unexpected and profitable ways. From creative start-ups to architects to huge tech names such as Dell and Epson,…

5 Best Tools that Make Organization at Work a Breeze

Organizing your workday can be very tricky. Whether you belong to a big or small enterprise, getting through the gamut of workday tasks will always have its challenges. With the popularity of remote work gaining…

The Three Crisis Scenarios CEOs Should Plan for Right Now

My career has been long enough that I was working on startups during the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s and the Great Recession of the late 2000s. I’ve lived and worked through panicky times…

10 Things that Immediately Happen when Real Leadership Shows Up

“There are no bad teams, only bad leaders.”―Jocko Willink What does the environment around you look like? Is it obvious to you and everyone else what you stand for? Is your benchmark for success clear…

The Definitive Guide to Understanding Proactivity

Here we go again: Another article on proactivity, right? Hold on: This one’s different and it may just be the last you need to read. I get it: I’m not the first person to stress the importance of being proactive. In…

Are Food Entrepreneurs the Lifeblood of our Economy?

“It sounds weird. I had to rehearse and repeat above question a couple of time in my head to get used to it.” After all, everyone must eat. However, along with the fact that many…

3 Coaching Questions for Leaders to Ask When a Team Member Feels Discouraged

“I’m just not good at this.” I’ve heard this phrase countless times as I’ve trained and mentored others over the years. I’ve heard it from team members who were genuinely in over their heads and…