Tag: Curiosity

6 Stunning Facts About Franchising

Franchising is an excellent way to become your own boss without having to go through the painful startup process. You essentially walk into a ready-made business and then make it your own, taking the profits…

Anthony Winston III: Delivering Engineering Excellence with a Human Touch

What according to you makes one a dynamic leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership? The definition of “dynamic” is “a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or…

Ian Jackson: Offering Transformative Values to Start-ups

Whether you are an established entrepreneur building your company or a newbie entrepreneur just starting off, the most important thing to do is surround yourself with like-minded people who share the same values as yours.…

The Secret to Successful Leadership: Confident Humility

I was sitting in a cabin alone, but I was freaking out. I was on my first “solo retreat” — a chance to rest and recharge with a weekend of reading, writing, meditating, praying, and…

Entrepreneurship is Art or Science?

What speaks better? Facts or instincts? This is a debate that is going on for quite some time now. If you keep an ear for business and tech news, then you have probably heard this.…

The Curious Case of Space Toilets for Astronauts

Space exploration is no longer a marvel to the world. However, there are various things about such missions that are not of common knowledge to people. One such thing is how astronauts who go on…