An Engineer by degree and a social entrepreneur by heart, Shivam Patel promotes the spirit of entrepreneurship among the young generation through his brainchild; Akhilam Inc. Akhilam Inc. provides the most advanced business solutions to clients all over the world with their ERP and digital transformation tools.
Shivam’s passion for learning has empowered him to be an expert in various domains. With Akhilam Inc. he aims to put every business at the forefront of innovation while simultaneously encouraging young people to unlock their potential. He believes in success being about encouraging others and spreading cheer to make the world a happier place.
In an Exclusive Interview, Exeleon talks with the Co-Founder of Akhilam Inc. – Shivam Patel to know more about his journey and beliefs.
Talk to us about your growing up years and what led into becoming an entrepreneur.
I was born and raised in a middle-class family. When I was a kid, I wanted to become an aeronautical engineer, over time, I changed my aspirations to many different professions. But I have never planned on becoming an entrepreneur now, I can’t imagine doing anything else.
I aimed to become an entrepreneur when I was pursuing my Engineering degree. I aspired to become an entrepreneur because I aimed to bring change to the world in every possible way. I aspired to formulate a product or service to make the world a better place. Rather than working 9-5, I aspired to Explore. Invent, Dream and Discover.
I remember when I shared this decision with my classmates, and professors, they laughed. They made fun of it. They were right because I was poor in every important aspect, technical knowledge, communication skills, management, and business knowledge. Still, I never feared about it and have started preparing a road path for the entrepreneurial journey silently.
Entrepreneurial Journey started, at the age of 23, I was COO of a Sweden-based stealth mode start-up. I left after few months as I wanted to work in IT & Digital Transformation. So, I moved and founded a stealth-mode company, later became Akhilam Inc.
My perspective towards my journey is simple: “I’m a conqueror and an ambitious pack leader, I won’t stop moving ahead till eternity”.
Being the Co-Founder of Akhilam Inc., what role do you play in the day-to-day proceedings of the company?
In day-to-day life, I wear different caps according to the company’s needs. Professionally, I’m an Analyst and handle day-to-day activities in Business expansion, Marketing, Product/Project Research & Development Analysis, and Solving client’s problems.
Also, I have allocated a dedicated time to read MIT Sloan Management Review, Harvard Business Review, and different reports published by McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, and Deloitte because it gives me an understanding of the latest trends, challenges, and other insightful pieces of information which helps me a lot in business.
Apart from that, every day, I talk to one prominent leader of different domains from different countries, which helps me a lot in developing business connections worldwide. As Porter Gale said -“Your Network is Your Networth”.
What was the idea that led to the formation of Akhilam Inc.? What was the idea behind the name of the company?
The idea behind formulating Akhilam Inc. was to Put Every Business at the forefront of innovation with a cost-effective ERP, Digital Transformation and Implementation plan to ensure that businesses can afford it. At the end of the day, going forward, ERP, Digital Transformation will surely help Businesses runway heading towards more accurate Information, Reducing Risk in Operational Activities, and allowing for Improved Forecasting.
We were searching for some Sanskrit name as both of the Co-founders are fond of the Sanskrit language. And we found the word “Akhilam which has different meanings in a distinct context. Here, the meaning of this word is Completely and the Entire World. We are implementing IT and Digital Transformation Services beyond the ENTIRE WORLD, so we have fancied this word. It also means everlasting in some context, which represents that, Our Quality Services and Client satisfaction will stay for indefinitely
What is the approach taken by the organization in ensuring optimal client satisfaction?
Akhilam Inc. possesses a 96% of client satisfaction rate because of the Continuous-Improvement Mindset of Employees and Management. We have set different standard practices to ensure optimal client satisfaction. And here are the practices we have been following since day 1.
- First, we formulate a deep understanding of what matters to clients, what challenges are impacting the client’s business.
- Our consultants understand the client’s business and advise the right ERP, Digital Transformation path considering crucial factors of the client’s business.
- We employ diverse metrics to forecast challenges during the implementation time.
- We present the plans to client, to mitigate those challenges, which helps us to complete implementation on time with Quality.
- We conduct weekly meetings with clients in order to understand the current performance of our team and their satisfaction with our services. In Meeting, we present current work progress and discuss future planned work with required details.
- Our turnaround time to solve the client’s concern is less than an hour in case of support, and less than a day in case of technical issue.
At Akhilam Inc. for all people “Client’s Business is their own business, and they take care of it like the same way” And, we aim to reach at 100% by end of 2021.
Being a young leader, what would be your advice for other emerging business leaders and entrepreneurs?
Develop an Infinite Mindset. It will remodel your perspective on everything. You will work or look up to improve, evolve, and level up. And failure will seem like a magnificent learning experience. It will develop an affirmative, optimistic, inclusive, service-oriented, resilient, ultimately unachievable personality.
“Always challenge yourself and strive for excellence”. Also, always believe in yourself even the entire world is against you, you can still win the battle. Here, a quote from Henry Ford says all “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.”
Remember, Success is about encouraging others, so they can progress toward their hopeful, optimistic vision.
What has been the biggest roadblock during your journey? What has been your biggest learning?
“Until you close your eyes you can’t find real yourself”
Consistency and Lack of Self-introspection! Avoiding understanding of myself becomes my biggest roadblock during the journey when I kept avoiding self-introspection, self-retrospection. I started it and it helps me to find solutions to my problems and also helps me in making risky decisions.
My biggest learning is, “You need the guts to accept the real you”. Because the foundation of personal transformation and growth begins from there. Also, Self-realization, exploration, and imagination are necessary for a person to reach great heights and to deliver excellence.
Don’t ever fake it. Accept yourself. Work on yourself. And GET IT DONE with a right perception to see this life as a beautiful medium to express your hidden potential.
Moving forward, what does the future look like for Akhilam Inc? Personally, where do you see yourself standing in the coming years?
At present moment, Akhilam Inc is Building Digital Business Capabilities with ERP, Digital Transformation, focusing on the right balance of Digitization, Flexibility, and Agile Process.
In the future, Akhilam Inc. will become a combination of multiple business entities operating in entirely different domains under one corporate group. Projecting Akhilam Inc’s presence in Serverless Computing, Advanced Robotics, AI, ML, Venture Capital, Management Consulting, Renewable Energy, and Electric vehicles by 2025-26 with a global presence at six different locations with staff of 500+.
In upcoming years, I want to stand on a point where I’m a person with a wholly infinite mindset, investing in a futuristic business, Inspiring young leaders, Promoting Awareness about Education, and also running different initiates to make this world a better place. Closely serving with United Nations, World Bank, BRICS, African Union, Group of 8, and Group of 20 to promote a sustainable eco-system to achieve SDGs.
So, In the future, When I will look back at my life and my career and I want this satisfaction, “I lived a life worth living, and I inspired young business leaders & Entrepreneurs”
Finally, what do you think is the most important trait for a CEO and why?
I believe, AGILE and Infinite Mindset is considerably predominant traits for a CEO.
CEO with the AGILE trait will encourage and empower the team to grow and share thoughts in decision making. They believe, there are no right or wrong answers; everything depends on the context. Hence, failures become opportunities to learn and foster trust and psychological safety in their organizations.
CEO with Infinite Mindset adapt stance to the infinite possibilities, and balance the main quadrants of the rational, emotional, spiritual and, to deliver sustainable results with integrity. Also, they discern the possible where all others see the impossible.
At the end of the day, the CEO is one who does not predict one outcome and prepares for it. They prepare for all outcomes. What matters is having the imagination to see the potential outcomes and include them in the planning process. And it’s a great trait that a CEO must possess.