For almost three decades, Elite Connections International, under the able leadership of Sherri Murphy and Tammi Pickle, has been helping elite bachelors and bachelorettes find their suitable partners. Read their story.
All matches are made in heaven but some of them need a guiding hand here. Yes, love, at first sight, does happen. Without the help of cajoling friends. Without ever-eager parents finding the right partner. Or social media and dating apps. But for the rest, the not so lucky ones, some wing-man of some sort is necessary.
However, are they foolproof? What about a little background check? What about a bit more information about their likes and dislikes? Just to get the person on the right track- to break the ice of the first rendezvous. It is not that easy to meet a stranger and then jam together with sparkling chemistry. Those who have gone for blind dates or were set by their loved ones for dinner with someone can vouch for it.
Sherri Murphy knows a lot about these little awkward things. Like many, she loves a happy journey forward, without the hassles of conflicting egos or other blooming troublemakers. That is why when she met her husband through a Los Angeles matchmaker, she wanted to make sure she ticks off all the boxes of her checklist.
But while doing so, she also kept an eye open to survey the process, which later helped her form the premise for Elite Connections International and offer matchmaking services. Their foundation has been strengthened further by a holistic approach that covers checking backgrounds, grooming prospects, and setting clients to their possible match.
However, all these require a lot of insights. And if it comes from someone who is an expert in understanding someone’s behavioral traits and getting the exact details, then even better.
Tammi Pickle, Sherri’s daughter, is known for this remarkable skill. She has a degree in Psychology and she always wanted to be in the counseling field. That is why when she got this opportunity to groom people and help them find their right match, she did not hold back. What motivates her each day is the idea that she is helping people find love.
Getting On Track
Sherri’s visit to her matchmaker not only led her to a happy married life but it presented her with a moment of epiphany. Armed with that, she decided to form a company that will bring together young people. Only her company will do it for the elites. That is how the name Elite Connections International came into being.
Sherri found this method of finding partners quite safe. This belief and the intent to never lose a single round in her fight against adversities helped her ensure a strong foothold for her company. Otherwise, like many, her company would have perished long back.
She has been proving her mettle for the last 26 years and her 20 national and international branches are proof of that. From one small office in Brentwood to where she is now, the journey has been arduous, but fruitful.
Opening Avenues After Initial Setbacks
Like any other company, when Sherri ventured out, she had to face obstacles. Some of them were easier to overcome but some were gargantuan. She had to tunnel out her way and then proceed.
In her attempt to carve a niche for herself, she was well-prepared to struggle, to persevere, to seek out results without submitting to misfortunes. For a fighter like her, this is a natural process. She picked herself up from time to time, only to challenge the status quo and set parameters for others who wish to follow her footstep.
Her obstacles manifest just by changing guise all the time. A few years back, online dating started as a rage and was posing daunting tasks for the company. She needed some fresh inputs and her efficient team meticulously handled the issue. Today, it is the COVID-19 crisis. Myriad industries are reeling under its onslaught with broken systems and bared infrastructure. But she managed to survive, to withstand the pummelling impacts, even after taking a few initial blows.
This was possible as she, with her daughter Tammi, charted out a route that can minimize the impact. It was their foresight that prevented a free fall. Tammi was quick to assess how people would react to these new norms and how their possible clients would wish to see themselves in the coming days.
The initial setbacks inspired some new moves. As Sherri opines, “We had very few new clients for 2 months. But we kept working harder than ever and matched our clients by Zoom until the outdoor restaurants opened up.”
Their plans worked and their clients were understanding enough to stand by their side. As soon as the government lifted stringent regulations, Tammi and Sherri got back in the game. They are now busier than ever. In fact, this whirlwind time helped them to take their credibility to a new height as their clients realized how honest their efforts were from the fact that Sherri and Tammi never used the pandemic as an excuse to delay the process.
What Makes Elite Connections International Coveted?
It is easy to offer a service, but maintaining a certain level of integrity is important while doing so is difficult. After all, it is what sets a company apart from the rest. It has to be earned. It gets reflected in the way a company develops its vision and operates. Both Sherri and Tammi are well-aware of this.
That is why Sherri, in the formative years of the company, decided to dig deep into the market to know it better. She realized that she needed a team adept in doing research and it has to be handpicked. Sherri was bang on in her assessment and the results were remarkable.
This was a crucial step as it also set the premise for her company’s progress. Sherri claims, “we have a 86% success rate that we will introduce our clients to someone they date for 6 months or longer.” Hardly any company in the field can match that level of success.
The process includes several steps as it helps in sieving the right data from a massive pool of information. It spans across the meeting, screening, interviewing, and background checking of all the members.
Then comes the difficult part where the company creates segments according to client preferences. They add a touch of their own experience as matchmakers while sorting the profiles. Before sending out pictures to their clients, they check whether the profile is a good pick for their client or not. That reduces hassles and increases momentum. After all is done, the company meticulously records the client’s feedback as it sets the ball rolling.
As a brand, Elite Connections International has evolved so far because of its clarity. They never hide behind veils while discussing feedback with their clients, thereby improving the chances of grooming. Tammi manages this section with great dexterity. Her knowledge of the human minds and insights from the sifted data helps her form a coaching module for each individual.
This ability to customize actions increases credibility as a brand. Tammi works hard in providing inputs to their clients, grooming and assisting them in meeting the right person. It motivates her. The very thought of helping someone find his or her soulmate drives her every day.
Clients can relate to those people who are passionate about their businesses. As a result, such companies witness remarkable growth over the years. This is quite evident from how both Sherri and Tammi run their business and the result is the constant flocking of clients.
What Fuels The Entrepreneurial Mood?
For an entrepreneur, a smooth ride ahead is no less than a dream. The journey is often mired with obstacles that prevent the venture from gaining a decent momentum. Even those who join the bandwagon with a degree in business have to go through a grueling time where nothing is certain and a constant fear of losing out looms large.
Then how to overcome it? Each has his own opinion as it depends on how one looks at a problem and finds a cure for it.
The same happened with Sherri when she started paving her way as an entrepreneur. She had to compete with her rivals and build a sustainable foundation. At times, the grinding pressure used to bog her down. However, she never gave up. The fighting spirit in her kept her abreast in the market.
Sherri’s ability to pick out the right opportunities is impeccable. All thanks to her superlative imagination that helps her visualize possibilities. When one can envision things beforehand, the going gets a lot easier. At present, she is planning branches in all the major cities of the country and at least six in Europe. This prospect of expansion and setting up a structure across the Atlantic drive her every day to motivate her. Something, she believes that every entrepreneur should possess.
Tammi relies more on hard work. She believes, “Hard work, nothing comes from nothing, keep up the hard work and it will pay off.”
What Is In Store For The Future?
The primary goal is to expand the company to every possible city across the country and then across other countries. However, Sherri now wants to pass the baton and wishes to see Tammi take charge. She said, “I love our business and matchmaking is something I have done for a very long time. I see Tammi taking over and I’ll be helping from the sidelines.”
Apart from this shift in charge, they are ready to launch a book on dating where their experience and understanding of such occasions would come in handy.
A venture always finds a solid footing when there is a perfect blend of experience and insights. In the case of Elite Connections International, it comes from Sherri’s knowledge of the field and Tammi’s ability to read human nature. Their union writes the perfect script for success.