Robert L. Woods: A Trailblazing Attorney Delivering Results

Robert L. Woods in Exeleon Magazine - Woods Law

With over two decades of providing optimal results to countless families, Robert L. Woods has carved a niche for himself in the legal landscape.

His journey is marked by a unique blend of legal prowess, entrepreneurial spirit, and a profound understanding of human emotions.

Over the years, Robert Woods has not just defined himself as a distinguished attorney but as an impactful leader steering the course for others in the legal space. Fittingly, he features on the Cover of Exeleon Magazine’s Most Impactful Leaders to Follow in Law in 2024.

Impactful Attorney

According to Robert, being an impactful attorney hinges on two critical factors.

First, staying abreast of evolving laws, especially in areas like Personal Injury where regulations are in constant flux.

Second, and perhaps more crucial, is the ability to empathize with clients. Understanding the emotions of those undergoing legal challenges is paramount in devising effective and considerate legal strategies.

He shares, “An attorney must understand the emotions that his clients are experiencing and factor that into the claim strategy.” This philosophy is not only embedded in his legal practice but also defines his leadership style.

Robert L Woods Attorney in Exeleon Magazine

Early Years

Talking about his childhood years, Robert recalls that his father used to own an auto shop when he was young. He shares, “At the age of 5, my day would take me with him to work and let me do little things around the office.”

By the time Robert was 10, his dad would leave him in-charge to hunting on the weekends. Little did he know that these formative experiences would shape his entrepreneurial mindset and leadership qualities.

He remembers, “I really didn’t think much about it until I was in high school and was taking a class called, “income tax”. The teacher was amazed that I knew how to complete a tax return and although I did not know the calculations for depreciation, I knew the concept.”

Another instance when Robert realized he has entered the entrepreneurial space was when he was reading a magazine called “fund raising for organizations.”

“I was amazed that I could order these first aid kits and pay for them later out of the proceeds.”

Robert strategically stocked his father’s auto shop with these kits, and to his delight, they sold like hot cakes. However, the innocence of these beginnings took a turn when success led to a valuable lesson. Making substantial profits, Robert found himself at the receiving end of a “hostile takeover” by his father. This early encounter with the realities of business dynamics became a pivotal lesson, shaping his understanding of strategy, competition, and the nuanced art of negotiation—a foundation that would later find resonance in his legal career.

Legal Insight

Robert Wood’s extensive tenure of over 35 years in law enforcement and investigation provided him with a unique perspective on legal concepts and the psychology of individuals.

In law enforcement, where conveying restrictions is a daily task, Robert learned the importance of not just what is communicated but how it is conveyed. This insight into human emotions and the delicate balance of enforcing rules has proven invaluable in his legal career, especially when guiding clients through challenging times.

He mentions, “I learned the adage is true, “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.”

Delivering Results

For Robert, Woods Law Firm stands to deliver the best results to its clients.

Under his leadership, the firm stands out for its commitment to delivering these results.

Recognizing the emotional toll legal battles take on clients, the firm not only provides legal expertise but also offers unwavering support through the tough process. The focus on ensuring clients receive maximum settlements further solidifies the firm’s reputation in the legal arena.

A Day in My Life

Robert’s daily routine reflects his commitment to his clients as well as his profession. He shares:

A typical day for me consists of waking up around 4:30 am and having coffee with my wife. We hit the gym and by 7:30am, I am headed to the office. My office opens at 7:00 am and when I get there, my assistant will have my mail and outgoing documents on my desk to sign.

My day consists of returning calls to clients who requested to speak with me and negotiating settlements for my clients. Some days consist of zoom meetings and some days are spent at the Court House. My day usually ends with me coming home and relaxing on my patio with my wife, before reading about 30 minutes to an hour before bed.

Vision for The Woods Law Firm

Looking ahead, Robert envisions continued growth and diversification for The Woods Law Firm, P.C. The expansion into mass tort cases, such as NEC Formula, AFFF, and Tylenol cases, showcases a forward-thinking approach.

The firm’s trajectory is set towards handling more mass tort cases, demonstrating their adaptability to emerging legal challenges and commitment to securing justice for their clients.

“We intend to expand our practice into more mass tort type cases,” he concludes saying.

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