What according to you makes one a transformational leader? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership?
For me, being a transformational leader means knowing who you are and what you stand for. In real estate, I’m known for providing value to others first without any expectations. Those who interact with me learn that they can count on me as a source of value and a solution provider to their needs. When you go out into the world leading in this way, you set a good example that people feed off of.
Talk to us about your growing up years. What is your earliest memory as a leader that you can remember?
Throughout middle school I developed major behavioral issues and could not keep my impulses at bay. I would disrupt classes and often get suspended. My behavior led me to repeat the 6th grade. This brings me to my earliest memory of being a leader because I had decided to try out for the 8th grade basketball team to help curb my enthusiasm. Many had said that I should join the team because I was tall for my age. While I was not a very good player, making this decision on my own defined what a leader has to do-to go against the grain in hopes for a positive outcome. Fast forward to the moment where I had grown tired of where I was in life, I had to become my own leader to change the path I was on for a better future. Little did I know that others were watching what I was doing and gaining inspiration from my actions.
What prompted your interest and subsequently your foray into the real estate industry?
I was introduced to the mortgage industry through a family member who said that I would be great at sales. Some years earlier I had met my wife and was inspired by her commitment to her goals of wanting to become a nurse. I watched her study for tests as we spent hours in libraries. That was when I decided that enough is enough. It was time to pursue my own goals and to design a life that best suited me. I decided to take the plunge to become a professional sales person. Something inside me didn’t want to be where I was. I certainly did not want to continue making the lower income that I was making in those jobs. That was the point in my life where I decided to change direction and reinvent myself. Once I made that decision I never looked back.
What is the approach followed by you in order to ensure optimal client satisfaction through your services?
I approach others as a value provider meaning I only focus on what problem(s) I need to solve for them so that they can be successful. Whether it’s a home buyer looking for their next home, a home seller wanting the most money for their property, or even a colleague asking me for advice, I provide them value first without expectations so they can find success.
Talk to us about your book Think Like a REALTOR®. Why would you recommend someone to must read the book?
My goal in writing this book was and still is to educate people on the real estate process with tips driven by real world experience which could save someone thousands of dollars. I‘ve always had a love for books as far back as I can remember so it was a no brainer to share my expertise in the form of a book. It’s been my experience that people don’t seek real estate advice until they absolutely need it. The goal of this book is to provide real estate education in a medium that is easy to understand and digest.
I recommend anyone looking to buy or sell residential real estate to get a copy of this book to avoid the expensive mistakes that could happen in real estate. I also recommend real estate agents get a copy to learn valuable lessons that they may not have known prior to reading this book.
What has the journey been like for Jason Gelios over the years? Looking back, what would you have done differently?
I would say my biggest regret is not getting started in real estate earlier in my life. When I began in this industry, I was married with kids and working to be an active figure in their lives. It was challenging to learn a whole new industry and put in the time to excel at it. This is why I educate my children on the importance of building a life first before taking the plunge in other areas such as marriage or deciding to have children. It would have been much easier for me to hustle and achieve success faster without other obligations. A part of me does feel that these moments and challenges defined who I am today so maybe I wouldn’t be the same person had I not gone through those times.
What has been the biggest roadblock during your journey? What has been your biggest learning?
I would say the biggest roadblock during my journey has been the lack of time. I’m someone who has many things going on at once, so it can be challenging to get everything done to my satisfaction. This is why I’m always juggling time management between work and personal activities to be sure that I am paying attention to both. I also learned early on that there is no balanced time management. I’ve learned that sometimes things will get out of balance, and we have to acknowledge this and move forward.
What would be your advice for aspiring and emerging business leaders in the real estate market?
I feel that real estate leaders need to adapt further to the ever-changing role of a real estate agent. I’ve seen many offices providing the same formula to all agents without really looking at how the professional can excel their own way. The real estate leaders that will succeed going forward will be the ones who adapt to the real estate agents needs by showing them how to build their own brand and get business on their own. Figuring out different ways to get in front of those who want or need to buy or sell a home. Real estate leaders should learn what the individual agent is good at and build their training around those things.
Finally, what does the future look like for you, both professionally and personally?
I’m continuing to build my brand and business by offering my expertise through leading news outlets and platforms. I’m also working on my second book, which is my passion project, about how we can change our life for the better and live a life that is on our own terms. My overall focus is to continue being a value provider in my space.