Planning symbolizes a significant meaning in business. It represents something big that encompasses all our mission, values, strategies, goals, and outcomes.
At the same time, it is also true that no matter how much we plan, things don’t always go our way. There is something that can always go wrong. As is rightfully said, ‘no plan survives the first shot’, it is the responsibility of the leader at such times to be prepared for the unprecedented circumstances. No matter how the initial challenges shake up the plan, the leader must hold the ground until he can make things right and reach the set goal.
The fall of the global market in 2008 sealed a similar fate for Nina Hudnik, CEO of Roni Nepremičnine. However, despite being unprepared for unexpected situations, she was the leader who stood her ground, adapted to the situation, and gave new roots to her business. The crisis did not break her. Instead, it gave her the willpower to develop new solutions and improve her company. Exeleon proudly looks into the story of this inspiring personality.
Rise Like a Phoenix from the Ashes
The headlines of the papers in 2008 were nothing short of a government bailout – credit crisis, bank collapses, and mortgage crisis. During this period, the major financial markets lost over 30% of their value. It was also the time when Nina Hudnik had just commenced operations of her brainchild — Roni Nepremičnine. However, the crisis brought challenges that were never seen before and ushered a new era in the real estate market.
Nina recalls, “During that time it was no longer enough to list and pray — to publish an advertisement in the newspaper and wait for a call. The construction sector had collapsed, payment indiscipline appeared in a much more serious form. We were a small company that was willing to persevere, and as such, we were able to adapt.”
Nina and her husband, Rok, were forced to adapt to the given environment and managed to secure a place in the relentless market. They both were accompanied by Maja, a core member of the company to this day. The lesson Nina learned from the circumstances is to be always prepared for unexpected situations.
She took on the challenges by not surrendering to the crisis, instead she expanded her team, relocated, and adapted to the new trends and legislation. The culmination of challenges, having a reliable colleague, and the valuable lesson led her to instill the same belief of being prepared in her day-to-day business plans today.
Like Peas in a Pod
Nina states that working with people drives her excitement and fulfillment and complements the real estate industry. According to her, the daily challenges in the industry are diverse in nature but are always valuable. It is the same reason as to why Nina and Rok started the business in the first place and have been expanding and improving it over the years. For Nina, working with her partners and clients always opens new doors of personal as well as professional growth.
The said ‘personal’ approach even extends to the way Rino Nepremičnine does business. Just like peas in a pond, the staff at the company works collectively to ensure optimal customer satisfaction. This synergy is what makes the business stand out among other agencies. With the help of a professionally skilled team, Nina and her business operates efficiently on a broader scale and provides all-in-one service through long-term business partners.
Talking about what makes the business stand out from the crowd, Nina explains “Our personal approach to every client and a very connected team of agents and support. Our team represents experienced and qualified agents with previous knowledge from various professional fields. Each of us has his own base of clients, and when we work together, we always find a faster and better solution. It also feels better to work in a team where you know others are always there for you.”
Besides her own business, Nina’s drive to work with diverse leaders and partners led her to participate in the Global Chamber of Business Leaders and represent Slovenia. There she connected with business partners in various fields and expertise from across the world. She asserts, “It broadens my horizons and presents new experiences and opportunities. I have already made amazing new connections and new partners on various projects, and I am very much looking forward to the GCBL Summit in Washington in November. We as a team are looking forward to presenting fresh business opportunities in the Slovenian economy.”
Spilling the Beans
The 2008 crisis led Nina Hudnik to the understanding of a leader who believes in set goals, even when the situations get tough. A leader who must always look for solutions, be flexible, be good with employees, and always looks after overcoming challenges and broadening the horizons. And in order to achieve excellent growth, connect with different individuals who complement each other and form a success story.
Nina extends the qualities mentioned above to aspiring and emerging players in the real estate industry. Her guidance covers being abreast of the competition, prepared for uncalled events, and open to personal and business growth. For the long-term, she says to always put the clients’ needs first and introduce your work and outline the story you stand for. Otherwise, it will get lost in the crowd.
And for being a leader in the real estate space, Nina’s gift to youngsters is to have a vision and develop communication skills. She elaborates, “You have to be empathic to understand how your clients feel and how to help them. Communication skills are necessary as you deal with so many buyers, sellers, agencies, and other parties on a daily basis. And finally, you cannot achieve success without a vision. It is something you have to constantly work on, but it is more than worth it.”
A White Canvas to Be Painted
Being a forward-moving personality, Nina Hudnik expects the future to be bright. She believes in her motivated and persistent individuals and the young colleagues standing up to the occasions. On the business end, Roni Nepremičnine is expanding into the field of new constructions and preparing several interesting projects in cooperation with top architectural offices. Nina also envisions uniting her business with the best in Slovenia and beyond.
On the personal side of things, Nina will continue to lead the team and achieve outstanding results collectively. She also looks forward to collaborating on exceptional and innovative international projects with her colleagues from the Global Chamber of Business Leaders.