A unique trait of science-fiction films is the inherent intelligence of objects and the function of sensors. In fact, movies like Star Wars nurtured the idea by introducing talking robots like R2-D2, C-3PO, and vending machines with unimaginable characteristics. But that was the output of some wild dreams and goose chase in the 1970s and 1980s. Scientists were trying to develop products that can come under the category of the Internet of Things, but it took decades actually to execute the idea.
MultiTech Systems, Inc. was one of the first to grab this opportunity. The company started its journey back in 1970 and invested a lot to come up with technologies that would inspire smart living. Once the industry got the requisite momentum, the onus fell on companies like MultiTech to create scopes for expansion, which the company did by designing, developing, and manufacturing tools that would ease the process of communication in industries.
Outpacing Peers
The IoT industry has multiple new entrants and existing big-shots. This means increasing competition as players would be at loggerheads to secure a path of progress for them. In this huddle, MultiTech Systems has an advantage as its history of supporting innovation would put it ahead of the rest.
With IoT, the most significant game-changing factor is its unparalleled economic values and ability to transform human lives for better. MultiTech Systems take this in its stride to percolate into individual and government projects to instill their understanding of the technology into various other sectors.
From their five decades of experience, they realized that it could be used to increase profit by reducing the workforce in heavy operations and increasing it in places where they can fetch more revenues. It can save money with its predictive analytics; something clients would prefer to have in their mainframe.
The company never compromises in meeting the industry standards while delivering high-quality products, something that its users can vouch for. At present, it has 25 million products running across several countries.
The Future
Stefan Lindvall, the CEO of MultiTech Systems, believes that staying in sync with advanced technologies like LPWA, Private LTE, edge intelligence, and 5G could provide the best-in-class service to their clients. According to him, this would ensure easy adaptability, an aspect if paired with cost-efficiency, could open doors to sites like “sports venues, airports, malls, hotels, mines, manufacturing facilities, and enterprise office spaces.” Along with this, he would not stop inspiring his team to find clients’ pain points and resolve them to ensure better service.