Exeleon Magazine

Liane Haynes-Smith: Identifying your Best Vision for a Better Tomorrow

Liane Haynes-Smith_Exeleon Magazine

We live in a busy world where we are faced with dozens of choices each day; some small, some big. These choices are important to us even when they are not easy or don’t come naturally. Often, we make these choices on autopilot and engage in mindless activities. Stepping out of this mindset and ensuring your life is based on your own conscious choice is what is referred to as ‘Living with Intention’.

Living with Intention is beneficial as it can increase our self awareness and give meaning and happiness to our life. Advocating these principles, Liane Haynes-Smith, with her platform DreamsEnvisions, offers intentional and transformative life coaching.

Liane believes in living a better balanced life that is full of happiness and purpose. She helps you align your core values and believes in a vision that ensures growth, generates joy, fulfilment, and soul-satisfying success.

An Inspiring Leader

Liane is known to find meaning in life’s intricacies. She is passionate about living an intentional life and staying in sync with the joyous moments of everyday life. With her own life experiences, she has found that big dreams can come true with defined goals and dedication. For her, these dreams consist of partnership, motherhood, and a satisfying career in her life.

Liane has more than 25 years of experience as a corporate leader in Hospitality and Tourism. Together with her expertise, training, and certifications in human development and self-improvement, she has taken on the dual role of Transformational Life Coach and Corporate Trainer. She is a results-driven strategist, who empowers individuals and groups to establish stability while identifying and achieving their aspirations in times of change and evolution.

As a Life Coach, Liane offers personalized sessions, workshops, and classes designed to teach reliable and repeatable strategies necessary for realizing one’s dreams, goals, and desires. She provides compassionate guidance, mentorship, accountability, and encouragement as one moves towards greater fulfillment.

All through her life, Liane has had to learn how to manage the challenges and the opportunities that come from wearing a lot of different hats and balancing responsibilities that has both strengthened her capabilities and taught her how to become a better version of herself. DreamsEnvisions was born out of this desire to inspire, empower, and provide clients the support and tools they need to turn their dreams into reality.

Leading by Example

Liane Haynes-Smith grew up in New York City. She loves people, entertaining and creating curated experiences. She began her career in non-profit, moved into corporate with an Entertainment company and after completing an undergraduate degree in Psychology and a secondary degree in Culinary Arts, she realized Hospitality and Tourism would be the perfect backdrop for her innate preferences.

The inspiring leader was among the millions that lost their job due to Covid-19. The Tourism and Hospitality industry was deeply affected by people’s inability to travel. Meanwhile, she had been mentally entertaining a new beginning, but she envisioned that change much further down the road.  “I am a big believer in carpe diem and I realized that this was an opportunity to begin a new chapter in my life,” said Liane.

She used this enforced change in schedule to recalibrate her life vision. Her home became her research, planning, and study center. “Within the home office I created, I became a certified Life Coach, transformed my mindset from Corporate Leader to Entrepreneur and laid the groundwork for a new dream,” added Liane.  

Living Life with Intention

Liane’s ‘Living with Intention’ is a holistic approach of aligning one’s core values and beliefs with a vision that ensures growth, generates specific outcomes, increases greater fulfillment for yourself and the people you interact with, and provides tangible, measurable, and emotionally satisfying success.

For Leaders and Entrepreneurs, the process begins by clearly defining one’s core values and beliefs, as well as specific ideals, dreams, and passions. Clients can choose personalized sessions, workshops, and classes designed to teach systematic, reliable, and repeatable success strategies which can be applied to their specific situations.

“I inspire and train leaders and entrepreneurs to clarify and access their innate talents, turn obstacles into opportunities, create teams that love their jobs, while meeting expectations in profit and productivity,” she states.

Life Coaching with Liane

With DreamsEnvisions, Liane wants to inspire people to experience more joy in their everyday lives while simultaneously creating a future that reflects their core values, intentions, and dreams. She has built an expertise in asking the right questions, communicating effectively, and getting to the heart of your needs and desires in life.

Liane identifies specific ideals, dreams, and passions. Once identified, this knowledge lays the foundation for setting realistic and attainable goals. Clients find improvements in their relationships, careers, well-being, as well as attain time and money freedom. Liane offers her clients compassionate guidance, mentorship, accountability, and encouragement as they take the necessary steps toward living a life of their dreams.

She believes that creating a ‘Vision’ for your life starts with illuminating your dreams, your goals, and your obstacles. “From this individualized foundation you can create a Vision that serves and inspires you every day,” ensures Liane. With DreamsEnvision she provides you with specific insights and actions that will clear your path to joy, perseverance, connectedness, and success, among other things.

Her Take on Being a Leader

Liane Haynes-Smith considers an influential leader to be inspirational, one who clearly defines the importance of each member within the team, sets an aspirational agenda, and creates a climate of purpose and direction to ensure that everyone is committed to achieving the same goal.

“Over the years, I have learned that establishing a strong sense of collaboration, inclusion and connection is a beautiful way to bring the power of each individual together into a successful unit dedicated to providing the required outcome,” asserts Liane.

Liane thinks that the most important trait for a leader is to have a Vision. “Vision is the hub of the wheel and all actions fan out from the center of the Leader’s Vision.”

Upcoming Adventures

Through DreamsEnvisions, Liane will continue to work with individuals and corporate groups as a Trainer and Coach to identify their best vision for a better tomorrow. She assures that writing will maintain an essential role in her future. Additionally, she has a product line that will be expanding. Lastly, she is working on a plan to offer pro bono coaching to young women at risk.

On a personal front, she sees herself continuing to bask in a wonderful marriage and being available to her daughter as she navigates life through the halls of higher education. Liane is also committed to evolving and deepening her connection with herself and continuing through time and money to engage with the charities and causes she supports.

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