The UAE is seen as a prime launch-pad for countries wishing to access markets around the world. It has rapidly transformed from an economy once reliant on fishing and pearls, to become a financial powerhouse accessible within an eight-hour flight by two thirds of the world’s population.
Add to this, a diverse economy, stable political system, strong capital flow, favorable taxation environment and liberal trade regimes makes it one of the prime global locations. Moreover. the UAE is now an attractive investment hub with a vision of becoming the economic, touristic, and commercial capital for over two billion people.
As The Global Representative of the UAE‘s Royal Family, Keith Kirkwood, assists everyone interested in setting up their company in the country with minimum cost and hassle-free solutions. The Private Office OF H.H Sheikh Ahmed Bin Faisal Al Qassimi is a business conglomerate in the UAE owned by His Royal Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Faisal Al Qassimi member of the Ruling Family of Sharjah, UAE.
Keith’s mission is to make any interested company’s entrance into the Gulf Region seamless and with a large impactful presence. He is an expert in business consultancy and provides excellent end-to-end solutions for your new business by setting up offshore/free zone company incorporation requirements anywhere in the UAE and Gulf Region.
Since Keith’s company falls under the Royal Patronage, it provides vital publicity perks for the core product offering of these organizations. It allows their enormous achievements and contributions to the society to be recognized. Royal patronages add status to an organization, and visits or involvement from a Royal Patron can often bring much needed publicity.
A Humanitarian Leader
As The Global Representative to the Royal Family, Keith’s focus is on the business and investment side. Any companies who are interested in entering the Gulf Region and or the ones that may be seeking capital can do so with his support. If a company/brand wants access into the hottest global market such as Dubai and Abu Dhabi, then he is the one that can make that happen.
Growing up Keith always wanted to bring about changes in his community. He ran and was elected to the public office. He quickly realized that just getting elected doesn’t allow him to make the desired changes as there are many people who have a say in that matter. Keith wanted to act more like an entrepreneur and be the master of his own destiny. Wondering how he could get this done faster, he decided to create a diplomacy organization with his partner and solely focus on the foundation.
As Keith started to expand into international issues, he realized that the enormous amount of money invested by the United States Government for humanitarian aid programs didn’t seem to match the amount of work accomplished. That is when he decided to help in a different way. He started this by creating initiatives that will empower people and not keep them dependent on government aid. To provide a more impactful solution, he decided to deliver the actual supplies personally rather than just giving a check to the government.
Humanitarian Aid Initiatives
Keith is involved in major humanitarian initiatives. The recent incident of the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon shook the world. What many people don’t know is just how bad the aftermath has hit its economy; the blackouts, fuel shortage, increase in food prices, lack of feminine hygiene products, and shortage of baby formula were few among the many other pertinent issues. The government is in transition and still unstable, but the people of Lebanon should not suffer, they want peace and unity with a society that is more liberal than most in the Middle Easter Region.
To help with this crisis Keith has been meeting with many diplomats to discuss joint partnerships on bringing aid directly to the people rather than to the government. This is important as it is the fastest way and the way to root out any corruption. In situations like this, every little bit helps and each of us can add a little something to make the world a better place.
Keith Kirkwood through his foundation ‘Gift Global Initiative’ is putting together aid packages with a focus on baby formula and feminine hygiene products. They have structured their website with a separate breakdown with each of the initiatives to give donors a choice to select programs that they feel the most passionate about.
Creating a Heartbeat for your Business
Through Keith’s diplomacy work internationally, he has built relationships with many government officials and foreign leaders. He ties in the social impact initiatives even while working as a representative of the Royal Family Private Office. For example, if the private office is looking to land a contract of buying rights to a seaport in a foreign country, an offer with appropriate market value along with a commitment to invest in social impact initiatives in that country through their Foundation is given priority.
Keith with Gift Global Initiative handles the logistics and manages that process. This could be upgrading the schools, 5G Internet, iPad for students, infrastructure city rebuild and many more similar things.
The charismatic leader believes that businesses focus on business, but they help them focus on leading their businesses with social responsibility. In other words, ‘They Create a Heartbeat for Your Business’.
GIFT Global Initiative
Keith was working with a little girl who was diagnosed with brain cancer in Mexico. He had posted on social media about the same and Manna, his now partner and CEO of GIFT, had contacted him mentioning that she has connections with the American Cancer Society and that she could help.
Manna and Keith met in LA the night before they were set to head to Mexico to visit the family and the little girl who was fighting for her life. They spent the weekend with them focusing on collecting her medical records and starting the process to get her the proper medicine and treatment she needed. They covered all the medical expenses from their own pockets.
Thereafter, they started getting contacted by other families who were in a similar situation and needed help. They knew this was going to be a large personal undertaking, so they set up an organization, the GIFT Global Initiative, where they could take donations, grants etc., and give tax deductible for those who want to help and make a difference.
Today, that little girl is cancer-free after many treatments and years of uncertainty. GIFT Global Initiative has expanded greatly, but they still require enough medical funds to help all the kids get the treatment they need.
Look Good to Feel Good
“It’s really just being yourself and wanting to be a champion at life and just dominate everything that you do,” advises Keith. Personally, he goes every day to the gym, hits the free-weights and plays tennis. He strongly believes in the look good, feel-good mentality.
As he spends a good amount of time abroad on their international initiatives, whenever he is in Los Angeles, he likes to get out on the ocean and enjoy the California sun. Keith finds it to be a great reset. He enjoys being active more than resting. He prefers a more high-octane life and suggests the same for upcoming leaders.
Looking Forward
Keith Kirkwood wants to continue building social impact initiatives around the globe and expand their ‘Sports for Solar Diplomacy’ program as the flagship program for countries under their Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Keith has reshaped how a foundation/nonprofit can benefit a brand/company by acting as an extension of their PR/Marketing divisions by shooting social responsibility commercials of their brand being used in the field through their initiatives. They are able to get brands free earned media by having them work through Keith’s foundation. “People want to support companies that put people equal to profits that not only have a corporate responsibility but ones that LEAD with that as a brand identity,” concludes Keith.