Jennifer Myers: The Power of Being YOU

Jennifer Myers Exeleon Magazine

For Jennifer Myers, a powerful woman is willing to admit what they really want their life to look like and is willing to go the distance to achieve it.

A prime example of a powerful woman herself, Jennifer Myers started out on her entrepreneurial journey with a similar mindset.

Once she realized the residential real estate market was the container for her to do just that, she was determined to make her own name within that space while subsequently aiming to impact the lives of others in a positive way.

Today, Jennifer Myers is one of the most influential names in the industry and the founder of Agent Grad School, the online business school for real estate agents who want to make six figures per year while also making a positive impact in their communities.

Extra Things

As a child, Jennifer Myers was always fascinated by the idea of having something extra. She recalls that although her family was really fortunate and financially stable, they didn’t spend on the “extra” things in life.

“We always had what we needed and I feel very grateful for that, but we weren’t the type to splurge on any of the “extras,” especially after my parents got divorced and we had two households instead of one.”

This instilled within her the idea of being a business owner as that would enable her to work harder for those ‘extra things’ that she always wanted.

Following her graduation in Finance and Marketing, Jennifer stumbled across Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the international bestseller written by Robert Kiyosaki.

She mentions, “I don’t agree with everything in that book, but growing up the daughter of two government workers, I was fascinated by the fact that the “Poor Dad”  was a government worker and the “Rich Dad” was an entrepreneur and real estate investor.”

And without realizing, this book suddenly became the catalyst behind her entrepreneurial journey.

“A flip switched for me, and I couldn’t stop thinking that real estate and being an entrepreneur was the path to wealth and being able to have the extra time, money, and freedom that I desired.”

A few months later, she bought her first home. In her own words, it wasn’t her dream home, but it was a step forward in the right direction.”

It was that experience that launched her real estate career in 2003.

The Surprise

However, starting a career in real estate was not at all what Jennifer thought it would be.

“I thought I’d have clients coming to me, and make more than I had in my 9-5 while working less or at least have more control over my days.  The exact opposite happened.”

She says, “I struggled for years not having any clients, doing everything I saw every other agent doing and had to take a job bartending just to pay my mortgage.”

The Moment Everything Changed

Two years after becoming a full-time real estate agent and not selling even one house, she realized that if she kept doing what she was doing, she’d never have the life she dreamed of having when she became a real estate agent.

So, she decided to make the best investment she could ever make.  She invested in herself.

“I decided to stop doing what everyone else was doing and find my own voice.  But I needed help figuring out how do to that.  I refinanced my house, opened another credit card and took every last penny I had and even pennies I didn’t have, and I signed up for as many classes, courses and coaches I could.”

The investment paid off.

Grabbing Opportunities

Following the 2008 market crash, the real estate market was at its worst. Unsurprisingly, between the period of 2008-2010, many agents started getting out of business. Ironically, for Jennifer, business was flourishing.

“I had so many clients and even more coming in; wanting to work with me.” she remembers.

She won every top proper award there was both locally and nationally.  Even becoming named one of the top 50 agents in the U.S. and featured in the Wall Street Journal.

This prompted Jennifer to start her own brokerage firm – Dwell Residential Brokerage. It was one of the first women-owned brokerages in Washington, DC and more notably, she was one of the youngest – among men or women – to do so.

This garnered her notable attention, and “agents quite literally came knocking on my door asking me if I would tell them what I was doing to be so successful.” She would respond saying, “Sure, join my brokerage and I’ll teach you everything I learned that worked for me.”

That was the moment Agent Grad School was born.

Agent Grad School

“I took what worked for me and developed a very specific, very unique step-by-step process to carve out your own unique slice of your local real estate market.”

Following this, she taught the agents at her brokerage how to apply this strategy in ways that no other agents were doing. These first students became top producers too.

She now teaches this same process to agents throughout the US and Canada so they too can use her process as the roadmap to earn six or even seven figures per year, while having time for a life outside the business too, and without needing to manage a big team of agents to do it all.

“Selling more houses for the sake of selling more houses isn’t the end goal, but if we can create the real estate business that supports the life we want outside of our businesses, whatever that looks like for each of us—THAT is the goal.”

Be willing to be YOU

Looking at her journey, Jennifer mentions she would have been much more discerning about who she asked and took advice from.

“I wasted a ton of time, energy, and money listening to people who didn’t have the life or business I wanted. I wasted a lot of time doing things I thought I “should” be doing and not trusting my own inner wisdom and instincts.  I wasted a lot of time trying to be like everyone else,” she mentions passionately.

“Don’t look around and do what everyone else is doing. Be willing to be different. Be willing to stand out. Be willing to show us who YOU are. Be proud of the uniqueness YOU bring to this industry and shine THAT brightly for us all to see—us agents and your potential clients.”

For Jennifer Myers, her journey hasn’t been a smooth sailing; it hasn’t been easy. However, she says she wouldn’t trade any of it.

“I’ve failed more times than I’ve succeeded but I’m willing to get back up, dust myself off, take a time out if I need it, and keep going.”

Visit Agent Grad School Website

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