Advancing Technologies are good, but implementing a cluster of them is like inviting chaos, something that companies try to avoid in order to maintain a seamless workflow and steady influx of revenues. Present market scenarios are a reflection of this, where the inclusion of advanced manufacturing, logistics, construction, digitized factories, and various cutting-edge operating concepts and their fusion with Industry 4.0, AI, AR, IoT, and IoE is bound to trigger a pandemonium. To resolve this, incorporation of well-equipped enterprise solutions software suites are essential. But there are not many ERP Suites that can efficiently handle the crisis as most of them get just rebranded but not upgraded.
Starting the Journey
The fxDBO21 Enterprise Applications Suite (ERP) software architecture (flexible with Dynamic Business Objects for the 21st century) incorporates all the elements of networked Business Objects critical to the effective functioning of ERP today – business objects, process modelling, work flow, business rules engine, hardware and O/S independence, Internet and Intranet-enabled computing, mobile operations, powerful BI and dashboards, cloud based, on-premise or hybrid and modular implementation strategy.
The fxDBO21 ERP Applications Suite incorporates latest technology and fully utilizes proven features and functions of Oracle and IBM infrastructure products:
- Built-in user-configurable and user-selectable continuous business process monitoring with comprehensive enterprise-wide performance measurement (EPM) facility
- Rules, Formulae and Logic objects driving all appropriate areas to support many standard and almost unlimited diverse custom business issues with no impact on the source code or future product releases
- Expandable, configurable business engine allowing ease of implementation of Business Process Reengineering changes
- Limitless adaptability through unique built-in Rules Engine (at no extra cost) – practically eliminating functional and technical obsolescence for the foreseeable future
- Continuous functional and technical flexibility thus guaranteeing THE RIGHT FIT ALLWAYS
The Team
Founded in 1983, InfoPower is an international Canada based software company specializing in state-of-the-art, highly flexible and limitlessly tailorable, ERP system, practically eliminating obsolescence, with comprehensive and powerful functionality for diverse industries. InfoPower was founded by Dr. Prabir Dutt, President & CEO, with over decades of experience in the world of Engineering, Manufacturing, Distribution, IT and ERP. Prior to starting the company Dr. Dutt gained comprehensive experience through having significant positions at many prominent organizations such as HowaldtsWerft Hamburg, Kuester-Hartman GmbH West Berlin, IBM Germany, HEC India, Northern Telecom Canada, and Xerox USA.
The Credentials
Dr. Prabir Dutt B,Tech,(Hons.) (Naval Architecture) IIT Kgp, India, Dipl.Ing. (Maschinenbau/Mechanical Engg.) Technical University Berlin, Germany, Dr.rel.pol. (Betriebswirtshaft/Business Management) Technical University Berlin, Germany, P.Eng. (Professional Engineer) Canada, CPIM – Certified in Production and Inventory Management (Lifetime) APICS USA.