Category: Exeleon Lists

9 Essential Tips to Help You Select the Perfect Bed

Your bed is one of the most crucial furniture in your bedroom. After a hard day of work and activity, it is your comfy bed you go to rest and sleep. However, getting a good…

10 Most Powerful Stories of Women Entrepreneurs in Exeleon Magazine

The concept of a ‘powerful leader’ has long been a fertile ground for stereotypes. A stoic and hard-charging captain of the ship; the strong and charismatic CEO; the pioneering visionary; or the unstoppable force of…

Top Three Ways Subscription-Based Travel and Consumer Models Can Help Your Brand in 2022

The coronavirus pandemic has forever transformed the strategies brands communicate with their audiences and customers across the globe. COVID has impacted businesses across all industries, but those under the hospitality and travel industries bore the…

Finding Clients for B2B Businesses on LinkedIn

Online social activities open wide opportunities for business development and client prospecting. Social networks are created not only for sharing moments from your life with friends and relatives. With the right approach, a simple app…

History of the Most Popular Brands in the World

Some of the most popular brands in the world have humble beginnings. Many of these companies were started by entrepreneurs with a vision and a passion for their product. In some cases, the businesses were…

10 Most Popular Tourist Destinations in the World

The tourist industry is a booming business with visitors flocking to see the world’s most popular destinations. But what are the most popular tourist destinations in the world? Although, the emergence of the pandemic had…

14 Positive Thinking APJ Abdul Kalam Quotes

Inspiration comes from various corners of the world. APJ Abdul Kalam was an Indian scientist who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007. He was born in a Tamil Muslim family…

Choosing The Perfect Name for Your Brand

In case you’re wondering why your brand name has to be perfect, think of the many ads you come across on different websites and social media platforms. After viewing through so many company ads, it…

10 Best Business Movies on Netflix

Netflix has been the biggest producer of movies in recent years. The popularity of the platform can be attributed to the shifting inclination of consumers from cable television to OTT platforms. Among the many emerging…

Most effective lead generation strategies to grow business in 2023

Sixty percent of marketers think lead creation is their top objective. That’s because attracting high-quality leads who will eventually become paying clients is essential to expanding your business. However, as the times change, so do…