Marc Sorrentino: Chasing the Peak

Every successful leader who reached the top of the pyramid has built a strong foundation rooted in years of discipline, hard work, and courage. As applauding as such achievements are, they are a result of…

Ankit Yadav: Guiding Financial Success

Investment is an art that every investor learns by experiencing absolute obscurity at the beginning and then reaching heights of success with patience and persistence. Ankit Yadav is no stranger to the heights of success…

Cynthia Tsai: Transformational Global Leader of the Year

In this modern, ever-growing competitive era, most businesses tend to overlook one of the most significant aspects of their organization i.e., the people. Without question, they are the foundation of any business and carry the…

Zane Landin: Facilitating Conversations on Mental Health Through Storytelling

Since the advent of time, storytelling has had a powerful presence in our lives across every culture. Stories have helped shape our identity and our beliefs. It has helped us inspire, immerse, and imagine. It…

In Conversation with Jordan Fischer of Octillo

For Jordan Fischer, it was inevitable to enter the field of law. Growing up, she was surrounded by people who worked in law, including her father who owned a law practice firm. She knew it…

Graeme M. Keith III: An Icon of Transformational Leadership

The concept of a ‘transformational leader’ has long been a fertile ground for stereotypes. A stoic and hard-charging captain of the ship; the strong and charismatic CEO; the pioneering visionary; or the unstoppable force of…

Amy Sanchez: “I Swim Against the Current”

For Amy Sanchez, it has always been about persistence; persistence that has enabled her to Swim Against the Current and build a name for herself as a transformational leader. The entrepreneur today guides corporate leaders…

ExitLag: Say No to Lags!

In this month’s Company Spotlight, we are looking into ExitLag, an innovative one-of-a-kind platform that helps address issues related to lagging during gameplay. Developed by Leandro Sandmann and Fabiano Skowronski, ExitLag helps people around the…

Kelly Davies: A Role Model for Women in the Real Estate Industry

Entrepreneurship. A journey of discovering ideas, innovations, inventions, new paths, and unexplored opportunities.    In recent times, entrepreneurship has experienced a wave across the globe. It has disrupted the traditional methods of the business ecosystem…

In Conversation with Tyler Bray: A Value-Driven Leader

How would you describe your leadership style? Who is your inspiration in terms of leadership? I have a value-driven style. One of my core values as a leader is empathy. That extends to my team,…