Category: Business Viewpoint

Brian J Esposito: A Dynamic Leader with The Magic Touch

An entrepreneur must inspire confidence – not only in his team, but also company partners, vendors, investors, stakeholders, customers, or potential customers. This is what Brian J Esposito – serial entrepreneur and dynamic business leader,…

Alex Leveto: Setting an Example of Purpose-Driven Leadership

In recent years, there has been a shifting inclination towards purpose-driven leadership, especially in the world of business. Academics have persuasively argued that one of the key roles of a leader is to be a…

Keith Pigues: Helping Clients Find and Follow the Path to Profitable, Organic Growth

As entrepreneurs and leaders, we often talk about employing a customer-focused approach to our business. Customer centricity has been part of commercial vocabulary since the late 90s. In fact, if you browse through the online…

Jean-Christian Rindoni – Improving Sanitisation Process to Enrich Lives

A lot of people travel each year and the buzzing stations, ports, and hotels can vouch for that. However, only a tiny fraction among them prefer exploring places. Exploring a place depends on a person’s…

Domenic Mangano – Designing Crafts. Designing Future.

Making decisions is not an easy task and if it has to be a split-second one, things become all the more difficult. Then what is the right recipe to ensure the step you take is…

Kenneth Bond – Bridging the Gap between Tech Solutions and Customer Demands

The software space is witnessing a colossal uptake with a lot of industries like Oil & Gas, Freight, Logistics, Dispatch, Supply Chain Management, Delivery, and others demanding more inclusive digital tools and simplified methods of…

David Ellenwood: Improving Well-Being While Ensuring Happiness

The world is now more customer-centric. Just a peep into the business models that enterprises offer gives an idea about how they design paths that promise enrichment to their customers. In fact, to establish this…

Shakemore Timburwa: Building a Better Tomorrow

Often a slight detour or a change in perspective due to something that has happened or is happening around sets things in motion for an entrepreneur. Ideas start taking shape in their mind, inspiring them…

Paul Griffin – Ensuring Expansion by Enriching Sales Channels

The success of any entrepreneurial venture lies in its ability to reach out and impact. These ventures often get a single shot to make or break and ensure a long run for the company. For…

Marc Sorrentino: Building Dreams. Delivering Promises.

Overcoming difficulties, witnessing changes, and yet adhering to your own beliefs is not an easy task. This requires a lot of perseverance and determination, and chalking a proper road map that will never let you…