During your childhood, you most certainly may have been at the receiving end of various people screaming at you over the top of their voice, asking you to stay away from your phone or computer or laptop screens. In most cases, it might have been your parents or your teachers. Now the question which automatically comes into your mind is – do computer screens actually harm our eyes and cause the loss of vision? Well the answer is, fortunately, no! However it can cause dryness of the eyes and muscle fatigue.
So here is the list of things which you can do to save your eyes from computer screens.
Get an eye checkup and thorough examination done:
First of all, make sure that you check your eyes thoroughly and get it examined by a proper doctor on most every year as a regular checkup. If there is any problem with that eye itself, leaving it untreated can actually damage it further.
Do not thrive in low light:
We cannot stress just how important it is not to use your digital screens, of mobile, laptops, monitors, delegations, and so on and so forth, in low light conditions. Always make sure to have sufficient back like to not cause strain on your eyes.
Try to minimize any glare:
One of the most important enemies of your eyes is glare. Try your best to minimize all glare possible, with the use of anti-glare coating on your computer screens or on your spectacles.
It might be time to upgrade your display:
If you see strange color corrections on your TV or monitor, or flickers, it might be high time to change and upgrade your screen. Working constantly on a poor screen can cause intense pressure on your eyes.
Tune display settings:
This is also very important and are mostly personal decision tune your display brightness, contrast, color tone, color warmth and other settings that suits you and your eyes.
Try to blink more:
Always try to consciously, blink more. As a result of this your eyes will get watered and lubricated constantly and make it smoother to use. Also perform eye exercises and make sure to not look at screens for too long at a time.
It has been experimentally and scientifically proved that looking at screens for long will not damage your eyes or your eyesight. But it can provide intense strain on your muscles of the eyes and prove damaging in the long run. Thus, you must follow these steps to save your eyes from computer screens.