What speaks better? Facts or instincts? This is a debate that is going on for quite some time now. If you keep an ear for business and tech news, then you have probably heard this. The purpose is to find an approach that would suit entrepreneurs better in succeeding. The answer lies within the idea of entrepreneurship. And it needs a careful unfolding to understand whether entrepreneurship is art or science?
An entrepreneur is a person who imagines things, seeks opportunities to realize things that, at first, seems impossible. The art is in the process of understanding scopes. It depends a lot on honing skills that would give birth to a perception in time. The perception is all about gauging risks and establishing competencies. It is what charts the road from scratch to success.
Many would consider this art. Why not? After all, it takes great perseverance to learn from experience where the opportunity lies. But science has an important role to play as well. Science is the systematic knowledge gathered through experience. A perfect blend of both art and science can deliver excellence and for the longest period.
Another form of entrepreneurship is to be a Consultant, whether it’s an Magento SEO Consultant or a Digital Marketing Consultant. As a consultant, you need to have an understanding of both facts and instincts. You can’t just rely on one or the other. Knowing when to use which is the key here. SEO Consultants understand the importance of research and analytics, but sometimes they also need to trust their instincts when it comes to decisions that are not backed by data. This combination of both the art and science of entrepreneurship is what successful businesses are made out of.
A quote from Adam Collins, who owns a successful marketing Agency, Ignite SEO, says “Being an SEO consultant allows for a unique insight into entrepreneurship. By understanding how to gain massive exposure via Google search engines, we are able to take calculated risks in making decisions that will benefit our clients. Search engine optimization is both an art and a science, and it’s our job as SEO consultants to understand when to use which skill set.”
What Role Art Performs?
Entrepreneurship is all about reading a situation. Then how to master it? That’s an art and it requires apprenticeship throughout life. Getting familiar with business and tech news is the first step. But be sure to know of the rest.
- Ability to think out of the box. Things that no one would dare dream of and then, executing them. At first they seem crazy, but if that withers at the root, then think of Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. They venture in doing things which others felt madness.
- Forming a team who would follow the same goal. Trusting and choosing a team come from within.
- The belief in their idea spurs them in thinking differently for hassles on board. It is the vision that counts the most.
Where Does Science Fit in All These?
Decisions cannot be a driven by gut feeling altogether. It requires facts to substantiate decisions and guess what’s coming.
- The gut feeling that tingles a lot could be validated by facts. A lot of decision-making can be done in an effective way if the facts served on a plate beforehand.
- Analytics is the key to any successful planning. Risks can be curbed and resources can be optimized with a little fun with figures.
Xerox PARC had the mouse before Steve Jobs revolutionized it. A mind-blowing idea from the former without a proper vision. In fact, Xerox’s venture in personal computer sector bombed badly. But it was Steve Jobs, who with his incredible visions, knew exactly what to do. And the rest is a happy wedding of science and art, with Jobs cutting the cake.
Thereby, it is safe to say that the answer to whether entrepreneurship is art or science is a blend of both.
It is always better to keep an ear open for business and tech news just to know when to implement what. Exeleons’ innovative and thought-provoking updates can guide you throughout.