Category: Cover Story

David Ellenwood: Improving Well-Being While Ensuring Happiness

The world is now more customer-centric. Just a peep into the business models that enterprises offer gives an idea about how they design paths that promise enrichment to their customers. In fact, to establish this…

Niki Jones: Infusing Optimism to Drive Success

A petite, twenty-year old woman kneels on the pavement beside a patient. She checks his vitals and takes notes as he inhales sharply, then coughs up blood. Around her, New York City erupts. Panicked bystanders…

Tyler Bray – Steering the Wheel of Success

Building a business based on pyramid-like models is quite common in the entrepreneurial world, especially when it comes to developing a company’s structure. But there are few who know the best way to nurture a…

Tarik Aziz: Delivering Excellence at Every Step

Some say entrepreneurs are born, some claim they are nurtured. Both are half-truths, for they hide a cardinal truth: what matters is the learning curve, which carves and molds the people behind successful ventures. In…

Apex Logistics International: Going Beyond Borders and Boundaries

In the span of a century, globalization has connected our world in a way no one would have imagined. Today, people in every part of the world share some common needs: to share its resources,…

Larisa Miller – Spearheading the Goal of a Sustainable Future

A fundamental necessity for life is shelter. Since the dawn of man, our need for shelter and housing has been fundamental to our existence, and this will always remain a necessity for survival. Why then…

Sherri Murphy and Tammi Pickle – Charting Steps To Finding Soulmates

For almost three decades, Elite Connections International, under the able leadership of Sherri Murphy and Tammi Pickle, has been helping elite bachelors and bachelorettes find their suitable partners. Read their story. All matches are made…

Lock and Key Entertainment – Making Dreams Tangible

‘Struggle.’ It’s a word that one often hears if they are surrounded by people from music, arts, and the entertainment industry. The word has its tooth and claw sunk deep into the lives of people…

Nabhit Kapur: Inspiring the Minds of Millions

As unfortunate as it may be, most leadership models subscribe to one regressive definition of leadership. This primarily revolves around leaders influencing the ones following them in order to pursue a common interest or attain…

Marla Bojorge: Independent in Success

Right from the stages of infancy, we’re programmed to look around us and imitate the actions of others. With time, this becomes a habit and soon a personality trait that we don’t even realize exists…