It is an undeniable fact that robotic technologies have eased the lives of people with their faster, cheaper and ubiquitous solutions to almost all challenges in different fields like offices, factories, hospitals etc. But, much has been said about robotic revolutions than has been demonstrated.
The following lesser known facts about robotics technology pose as potential challenges to its developments:
Modern Day Robots Are Difficult to Operate
As startling as it may seem, it is a fact that the robotics technology has not yet been able to overcome the challenge of ensuring ease of operation in the robots which are designed for manual assistance. From one-armed co-bots to fully autonomous robots, there is a dire need for trained professionals – well versed in computer coding, calibrating and operating – to control these machines. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult for businesses to adopt favorable robotics solutions.
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Autonomous Robots Are Not as Fast as Imagined
Even after Moore’s Law set the pace for machine developments in the passing decade, the state of autonomous robots has been indecisive and unexpectedly disappointing. The most basic of human tasks are often brought down to extensive algorithms in robots with even advanced sensors – this results in added complications and limitations for innovators. That is to say, all of robotics technology runs down to meshes of intangible computer coding.
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Robots Cannot Eliminate Jobs in the Future
Unlike popular belief, robots are produced with the prime aim of improving the efficiency of operations through facilitation in tasks solely dependent on workers’ capabilities. That is to imply, robots are dynamic tools for assisting skilled professionals in repetitive and precise tasks. By implication then, it can be said that robots create new opportunities of vocation in mechanized industries.
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Robots Have Become Essential Requirements of Logistics and Manufacturing Industries
Increasing demands of manufactured goods along with top-notch quality demands, has increased the pressures on capital investors for boosting productivity of its workforce. It is here that robotics technologies promise an efficient solution since they are easily available, specifically designed for facilitating industrial tasks and programmed with software that increase its learning ability. For competing brands, robotics technology allows an extra edge due to which they may survive and engage at the same time.
Observers invariably hold the opinion that new age of robotics is still to achieve its full potential. Yet it remains to be seen how robots would be upgraded to match its human counterpart’s potentials.