Companies don’t get successful by just trying to increase sales numbers. Selling and accumulating a significant revenue is a significant task, for sure. Still, it cannot be achieved unless the people working behind the scenes are motivated enough to contribute collectively to their leader’s big idea.
We all understand that it’s not easy to keep every team member on the same page, but that’s what good leaders are capable of. Having motivated people around you makes the operations smoother and easier and pays off when it comes to the outcome of their work. Let’s imagine a company with hundreds of employees. It’s a tremendously difficult task to ensure each member’s motivation, however, a bigger problem is the fact that every single employee may have completely different motivators. In this case, it’s challenging to deal with hundreds of motivators so everyone is happy and satisfied.
Having this in mind, we agree that there are some recreational activities, especially in the age of digital creativity, that maybe are not considered as motivators, but they are powerful enough to convince the employees that they are valued, and appreciated. And this power is simply our human desire for social connections and effective communication. Here are some of the best recreational activities for modern teams.
We all love games, regardless of age
Have you seen your colleagues playing a game on their smartphones during the breaks or even watching some video game commentaries while having lunch? Well, don’t be surprised because people love games, no matter how old they are and what is their background. Fortunately, we all have an inner child who is wondering about exciting games, competitions, and winning chances.
It’s very logical why in recent years, the gaming market saw such a surge in popularity and became a billion-dollar industry, also thanks to the tech advancements. Even the tough competition between online real casino games and traditional casinos has an expected outcome – digital experience wins and people who love gaming don’t miss the chance to follow their favorite gameplay via smartphone or the web.
Although the success of the casino industry has proved long ago that people love having fun in a competitive environment, online gaming platforms pushed these boundaries sending a message that people don’t just like the casino environment but love playing and competing. Having this in mind, managers and organizers can create truly recreational events for their staff. The options are so versatile that range from hosting a friendly poker night to taking people to outdoor gaming sessions, such as football, basketball, etc.
Bringing Out the Best in Teams with Creative Workshops
Another fantastic way to boost team communication and motivation is through creative workshops which can range from painting and cooking to music sessions, and all these work wonders in getting team members to collaborate and communicate more effectively.
Take painting workshops, for example. Even those who don’t consider themselves talented enough to show off their skills will still be amazed to see how art can reduce stress and promote mental well-being, regardless of the level of skills. When team members engage in a shared creative process, they get to see different sides of each other. This fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for their colleagues’ unique talents and perspectives. Moreover, many such activities teach employees how to collaborate and achieve a significant result together.
Cooking workshops are very popular since many of us enjoy watching those short videos on social media channels and trying some techniques in our kitchens. In this context, cooking workshops or as many would call culinary team buildings are a great option to reduce the after-work stress. The coordination and communication required in these activities are intense, but the rewards are worth it. It’s similar to how cooking classes improve social skills and teamwork. As the team learns to trust and rely on each other in the kitchen, these skills translate seamlessly back to the office, enhancing teamwork and efficiency.
Music sessions are another effective option, given the fact that music has this incredible ability to break down barriers and bring people together. When team members participate in musical recreational activities, they relax, have fun, and build stronger connections. This contributes to a more cohesive and motivated workforce.
Adventure Outings
Nature creates harmony and balance in our internal and external worlds. When we suggest taking your team on an outdoor adventure, yes, it can mean camping, hiking, or another activity, but it’s not limited. Even walking in the forest, and having a picnic together creates a great environment for talking and laying the foundation for open communication. And if you have good leadership skills, you will definitely acknowledge the role of healthy relations in keeping the teams motivated and excited.
The advantage of outdoor recreational activities is that you don’t have to invest a lot of finances in the organizational part because something like an adventure park can be such a great option for team building. At the end of the day, your team will appreciate the time together.
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