Shark Tank, the American reality television series that has been airing on ABC since 2009, is a show where entrepreneurs present their business ideas to potential investors. The panel of “sharks” – comprised of five venture capitalists and successful entrepreneurs – then decide whether or not they want to invest in the idea.
Over the years, Shark Tank has become a platform for emerging businesses to gain attention and capital from some of the most influential people in business. Ten Thirty One Productions is one such company which found success through its appearance on Shark Tank back in 2013.
Founded by Melissa Carbone, Ten Thirty One Productions specialized in creating horror-themed events like haunted houses with an emphasis on quality entertainment value. Through her pitch on Shark Tank, Melissa was able to secure an investment from Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec that would help propel her company forward into new heights of success. In this article we will take a look at how Melissa managed to make it big with Ten Thirty One Productions thanks to her experience on Shark Tank.
How Ten Thirty One Productions Started?
Prior to her success on Shark Tank, Melissa Carbone had already experienced great success with Ten Thirty One Productions. She created the company in 2009 and by 2012 it was generating an impressive $2 million in revenue.
It all began when she decided to venture into haunted houses after working as a talent manager for high-profile celebrities like Britney Spears and Pink. Having a creative eye, Melissa was able to create horrifyingly realistic experiences that soon gained attention from horror fans all over the United States.
The Shark Tank Experience
In 2013, she appeared on ABC’s hit show Shark Tank. During the segment, Melissa pitched her company to five major investors including Mark Cuban and Lori Greiner. Her presentation was impressive enough to entice the investors, and she ultimately negotiated a $2 million deal with Mark Cuban.
The Impact of Shark Tank
Ten Thirty One Productions has grown exponentially since its appearance on Shark Tank. With the help of Mark Cuban’s investment, the company employed over 150 people across five states and produces some of the most elaborate horror events in the country. They also had a presence in over 20 cities, including New York City and Los Angeles
In Jan 2018, Melissa decided on selling the company to Thirteenth Floor Entertainment Group and reaped great returns for both her as well as Mark Cuban.
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