Harmony Vallejo has nearly 20 years of experience in the world of communications and marketing. Today, she leads a team of passionate professionals after founding her own business, Universal Events Inc., which provides branding and backend support to nonprofits.
Harmony gained much of her experience in communications and marketing two decades ago at WYTV, a Western Youngstown television station. She would later go on to spend some time as a marketing representative for Winners Advertising, improving brand awareness and developing relationships with its clients. There, she developed her talent for branding and marketing.
After establishing herself in communications and marketing, Harmony went on to found her own company: Universal Events Inc. Her company focuses on the mission of strengthening the bonds between nonprofits and the community.
At Universal Events, Harmony manages a passionate team of communications professionals in a collaborative environment.
If she isn’t working directly to impact local and international nonprofits, Harmony writes articles and guides to help nonprofits with practical, step-by-step methods to utilize social media, manage compliance paperwork, and succeed in their missions.
Harmony Vallejo earned her bachelor’s degree in communications from Youngstown State University. Today, we’re going to ask her some of the most burning questions about her career.
What drew you to entrepreneurship?
HARMONY VALLEJO: I always wanted to help people, and felt that my background would allow me to fill a niche section of the market and provide services that nonprofits desperately need. Communications and marketing isn’t just about developing a logo or making a newsletter – there’s a lot of moving parts involved, and that’s what Universal Events exists for. I figured if I had the ability to fill this gap, that it was my responsibility to do so.
How do you feel your background has prepared you to be a CEO?
HARMONY VALLEJO: My background required me to constantly find solutions and complete objectives, much of which often involved me working collaboratively with a team. I learned how to manage projects and get results, so I feel like I had a pretty good repertoire of knowledge to work with. I feel those experiences are what made me into the CEO that I am today.
Speaking of your team, how did you go about building it?
HARMONY VALLEJO: You have to find a team of like-minded people who really share in your vision. Having professional experience is important, of course, but if they don’t have the same passion for the profession that you have, it may not be a good fit. I also believe in fostering a positive, collaborative environment that allows for everyone to excel. Being able to grow as a team really inspires everyone to work together for a common goal. I think that’s one of the best ways to build a successful team.
What do you feel is required to be a successful business professional?
HARMONY VALLEJO: Self-confidence and self-trust is a big one, no one’s first few attempts are likely to be completely successful. If you stumble and fall, don’t give up – try, try again. It also helps to have a real mission behind your desire to succeed: for me, I wanted to be able to help nonprofits to better serve their communities, and by knowing that I could help make positive change in the world, it really empowered me to make sure I succeeded.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to start their own business?
HARMONY VALLEJO: Study your market and identify what it is that sets you apart from your competition. You have to have something unique about you and your business that will make people want to work with you. From there, you need to establish a good team to help back you up and make sure you’re successful. If you can identify those two things, you’re on the right track. Oh, and it helps to be positive, too. It goes a long way.
Visit Universal Events Website.