Meet Brigid McGrath Stasen, CEO of Bridge Your Style

Brigid McGrath Stasen

This interview is part of Exeleon Magazine’s celebration for Women’s History Month. The entire month we are releasing multiple interviews, stories, and articles of established as well as emerging women entrepreneurs.

In this interview with seasoned professional Brigid McGrath Stasen, she talks about her brand – Bridge Your Style. For Brigid, Bridge Your Style is a promise to her clients and community of building a wardrobe that is tailored to their personal style, regardless of their lifestyle.

Please tell us a little bit to introduce yourself and your company Bridge Your Style.

I refer to myself as a seasoned professional. In addition to having an expansive family, that I love, I have built a career based on relationships. My early days in sales nurtured my love of fashion which inspired me to launch Bridge Your Style. The essence of my brand is to ensure that women feel confident regardless of where they are going; I say from carpool line to cocktails. Your wardrobe can be your armor of confidence or an expression of that confidence shining through. I prepare my clients for what they need on any given day.

What according to you makes one a powerful woman? How do you integrate the same thought into your leadership?

Power comes from confidence. When a person feels confident, they carry themselves in a certain way, they engage with people, and they have the courage to take on new things. I believe that confidence is an important ingredient in leadership.

I work with a lot of powerful women leaders. We curate a wardrobe that supports their confidence and style in any aspect of their lifestyle. We inspire one another and my leadership style grows out of my experience and what I learn as this journey continues.

What was the idea that led to the start of Bridge Your Style?

The designer collections that I carry represent some of the highest quality fashions that will take you from the workplace to the weekend. Before I launched Bridge Your Style, I realized that my reputation was closely aligned with working women and an assumption in the marketplace that I only carried working wear.

Bridge Your Style is a promise to my clients and community, that we can build a wardrobe that is tailored to their personal style regardless of their lifestyle. I want my clients to have the confidence that we will build a wardrobe over time that will support them in every aspect of their life. It will include elements that are on-trend and integrate timeless pieces that never go out of style.

Carrie Colbert: A Story of Colors and Much More

What does a day in the life for you look like? How do you ensure work-life balance?

There is no blueprint for my day, and for the record, I don’t believe in work-life balance. I am fortunate that I created a career that I love, so it does not feel like work. However, I have to protect my wellbeing, so I will strategically block my calendar for dinners with my husband, babysitting opportunities with my grandbabies, time with girlfriends, and to travel.

Regarding the average workday, it varies by season. As a new collection is rolling out, I gather as much information as I can about the pieces. I begin to mentally pull pieces for clients as I know they will fit into their wardrobe, or for an upcoming event they told me about.

This time is very client focused. When the I have the trunk shows in residence, my days are a flurry of private appointments. I love these times with my clients because I get up to date on their lives, learn about new adventures, or just enjoy a glass of wine with them.

In other times of the year, I network feverishly. I love meeting new women, hearing about their journeys, and finding new causes that I can support. A big part of my business that I have not mentioned, is our charitable work. In connection with my larger sales and appearances, I donate a portion of the proceeds to a charity or cause.

As a female entrepreneur, what have been the journey like for you? If you were to start again, what would you do differently?

As a ‘seasoned’ professional, my journey started when women did not have as many options as they do today. Up until the Women’s Business Ownership Act in 1988, women were not able to get a business loan without a male co-signer. Thankfully, that has changed.

Today, social media, affordable digital advertising, and SaaS based business tools have made starting a business so much easier. But don’t be fooled, keeping a business running and growing takes a lot of work. If I were starting out today, I would do things differently. I would become an entrepreneur much earlier, if not from the start. It’s not easier but there is much more flexibility.

What would be your advice for women entrepreneurs struggling to take that leap of faith in starting their own business?

Have a plan; not the type of business plan that sits in a binder on the shelf but rather a plan around how to introduce the company to the target audience. Also have a plan that will keep you financial stable for a 6-12 month, depending on your net receivables.

In the lines of business that I have experience, and I think this holds true across the board, invest in building relationships. The number of overnight successes or venture capital unicorns is extraordinarily rare. Diligently search for networking opportunities and begin to religious engage in them with a purpose.

Find people who are growing their companies and collaborate. Find people who have some success on their resume and ask them for advice or to serve on an Advisory Board. It takes time and diligence, but you do not have to be alone.

Finally, what does the future look like for you and Bridge Your Style?

We all recently went through incredible changes, both personally and professionally. We had to revisit our business and how we deliver services. I am optimistic because my business model is very aligned with how more and more women want to shop. However, I believe that my continued success will be gained not because I sell products but because I sell a concierge service that builds confidence. Confidence never goes out of style.

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