Category: Leadership

Exploring Student Government: Making a Difference through Student Leadership

 “I want to keep learning, keep exploring, keep doing more.” – Jessye Norman Understanding the purpose of student government One of the key elements of student government is its role in representing voices. In this way,…

What you need to know about Senior Care Franchise Opportunities?

Senior care is an essential service that will always be in demand. As some entities try to fill the void, they fall short of providing what should be the best service possible. This is where…

3 Investments Worth your Time in 2023 and One to Avoid

Financial experts today agree that everyone – regardless of income – should have a secondary income that they are able to fall back on. This can be used to explore further investment opportunities, manage unexpected…

Recruiting the Right People for your Company in 2023

As creep closer towards 2023, many of us are considering ways we can improve our business over the course of the next 12 months. New Year provides a good opportunity for reflecting on the past…

9 Essential Tips to Help You Select the Perfect Bed

Your bed is one of the most crucial furniture in your bedroom. After a hard day of work and activity, it is your comfy bed you go to rest and sleep. However, getting a good…

Difference between Transactional Leadership & Transformational Leadership

Leadership is the process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task. leadership involves the use of power and authority to…

10 Habits of Successful Leaders that you Need to Follow

Leadership is a process by which an individual influences a group of people to achieve a common goal. It is a skill that can be learned and perfected through practice. There are certain habits of…

Holly Qualman: Advocating Thought Leadership and Empowerment

In the corporate world, effective teamwork drives a business. No single individual can do it all alone. That particular individual needs to be surrounded by like-minded individuals with diverse skill sets to turn something into…

Leveraging the Potential of Big Data to Boost Your Business

The world stands surrounded by a ginormous load of data. With advancing technologies, these data are ever-increasing but were being of no use, as extracting such massive forms of data was beyond comprehendible, let alone…