Krista Ripma

Redefining Marketing with Authenticity

Cover Page of Krista Ripma in Exeleon Magazine

In an era where consumers are more discerning and socially conscious than ever before, the traditional methods of backhand marketing and empty promises no longer suffice. The modern consumer seeks more than just products or services; they seek a meaningful connection with the brands they support, they seek authenticity.

Authentic brands are not afraid to showcase their true selves. They embrace their unique stories, values, and idiosyncrasies, understanding that imperfections are part of any genuine identity.

Authenticity is not about presenting an idealized image; it’s about showing the world who you truly are. This vulnerability creates an emotional bond with consumers, who can relate to the struggles, aspirations, and values of the brand.

Krista Ripma is an example of one such leader who has leveraged the power of authenticity to empower brands across the globe. As the Founder and CEO of Authentic Audience, Krista enables brands to tell their honest stories that allows them to build trust and loyalty.

Fittingly, Krista Ripma features on the Cover of Exeleon Magazine’s Most Transformational Leaders of the Year. Herein, we look into her journey, her vision, and her ideas related to authenticity.

The Natural Leader

Krista’s earliest memory as a leader dates back to her childhood, where she exhibited her natural ability to rally people together. From her role as an enforcer of rules during sibling playtime to orchestrating daring escapades, her natural qualities as a leader were evident right from a young age.

She recalls one such unforgettable incident at the age of 7, “I convinced my sister to create a diversion, so I could drag a chair across the room to reach the phone, dial my dad’s number, and persuade my parents to rescue all the kids from the babysitter and bring them back to a wedding in Ireland.”

As Krista grew older, her early flair for leadership continued to manifest in various forms throughout her life. She was the anchor of the morning news show in middle and high school. During college, she held various leadership positions in her sorority, choreographed the winning performance of the annual Lip Jam competition, and was even the producer of the school TV station.

She shares, “The truth is, I’ve been producing, directing, coordinating, choreographing, planning, strategizing, and leading the charge for as long as I can remember.”

Today, as a recognized leader and entrepreneur, Krista has leveraged her early leadership experiences to impact the lives of countless people. As a business owner, she is committed to creating a strong culture and community and continues to work with mentors and coaches to ensure consistent growth. “I love being a leader and I love being an entrepreneur and I am grateful every day I get to do this work.”

The Power of Storytelling

Krista’s journey into the marketing space was fueled by her fascination with storytelling. “My love for reading and writing led me to an obsession with making people feel deeply through visual storytelling,” she mentions.

Growing up, she wrote for the school paper, studied communications and film in college, and in her twenties, landed her dream job working for a network executive, wherein she was tasked with the role of reading dozens of scripts daily.

According to Krista, the role of storytelling in marketing is crucial. She believes that great marketing equals great storytelling, and to craft a compelling brand story, it must make the audience feel something.

Over the years, her innate understanding of authentic storytelling in marketing has enabled her to tell riveting, honest, and thought-provoking stories that capture the audience’s attention immediately.

Krista understands that authentic storytelling connects with the audience on a profound level, as it mirrors human experience in all its complexity. It thrives on honesty, transparency, and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

She advises brands to answer the following questions in all their marketing efforts: Who are you? What do you do? Why does it matter? What is in it for me?

Krista Ripma Authentic Audience

Optimal Client Experience

Authentic Audience is a boutique digital marketing agency that was started by Krista along with her husband, to fill a visible gap in marketing – authenticity.

The company is dedicated to brands that foster the best in self-care, self-love, and self-expression.

Krista mentions, “By combining compelling content, dedicated analytics, and authentic storytelling, together we navigate your business and create outstanding campaigns and brands that speak to the rawness of your dreams and connect you with the people whose lives you seek to touch.”

At Authentic Audience, the team is dedicated to creating the best possible experience for the clients. They create a personalized experience offering custom dashboards, regular communication, and transparency in strategy sharing.

Moreover, Krista has built a culture that believes in building strong relationships, one that makes them stand out from other advertising and marketing agencies.

Authentic Audience Logo in Exeleon magazine

Authentic Audience is a full-service digital marketing and Facebook advertising agency dedicated to brands who foster the best in self-care, self-love, and self-expression. Spearheaded by Krista Ripma, Authentic Audience does not work for you; we partner with you to create strategies and tools that increase awareness and sales... quickly.

Authenticity Wins

After a decade of dedicated to building million-plus Instagram followings for clients, tripling online brand awareness, and coaching countless business owners, Krista confidently believes: authenticity wins.

She explains, “It means people follow people. They buy from those they trust. Self-love, self-trust, and self-promotion matter when it comes to scaling your business and creating an intentional company culture.”

“It means honoring what is real for you right now and building from that place. This is the most authentic way to share and monetize your gifts,” she adds.

As the Founder and President of Authentic Audience, Krista plays a pivotal role in the day-to-day operations of the company. Her schedule includes a blend of meetings with her team, strategy and coaching calls with clients, sales calls for new leads, podcast interviews, and group coaching calls she leads in her Witchy Business collective.

However, her journey into motherhood has introduced a new dimension to her work-life balance, teaching her to appreciate the productivity that can be achieved during a 2.5-hour afternoon nap window. “As I often remind my clients, your business is only as healthy as you are.”

Nurturing Authentic Voices

Looking ahead, Krista envisions Authentic Audience to evolve into a collective of creatives amplifying authentic voices through paid advertising and comprehensive digital launches.

The goal is to become the one-stop shop for artists, creatives, and entrepreneurs seeking to grow their businesses authentically.

Krista’s passion lies in empowering individuals to embrace and monetize their unique gifts. She elaborates, “As a leader in this space, my mission is to remind people that our uniqueness is our superpower, and the more we can lean into self-love and self-acceptance, the easier it is to step into service and self-promotion.”

In addition to agency services, Krista Ripma plans to continue offering annual Body Mind Business Retreats, a monthly membership in her Witchy Business Collective, personalized business coaching, and mentorship.

“I am excited to continue to provide people with the tools and services clients need to build their dream businesses and lives,’ she concludes.