A transformational leader is an individual who puts the people’s needs before theirs. That’s where it starts and that’s where it needs to continue. Most leaders truly start for the better of people, solving issues, coming up with alternatives but are lost overtime when money overshadows the love for the business. A true leader will always keep their passion, love, and what the people need before the money. Leaders will have to change their direction but always need to keep their integrity.
Creator of the world’s most versatile fitness and therapeutic training tool, Jesse Nicassio is an embodiment of this transformational leadership. He believes that you can’t enter a profession thinking that this is a great way to make tons of money. You have to love it. He regards that there is a way to lead employees and run your business without sacrificing your name. That’s a leader and when this leader keeps innovating to help improve others, people will believe in you and respect you and what you have to offer.
A Benevolent Leader
Jesse Nicassio has always been involved in sports. As a child he remembers playing many sports. He was an active kid who did not sit still. His parents encouraged him to begin playing sports all year round to contain his high energy levels. When he was young, he had two goals. One was to play in the NFL and the other was to be an inventor. And he achieved both.
Out of college, Jesse was picked up by the St. Louis Rams and played for the Rams and Colts. It was an amazing experience which taught him so many lessons. He is a third-generation inventor following his great grandfather who invented the orange cone and snap on puzzle mats and now decades later, he sells and installs those puzzle mats.
Jesse started working-out in middle school, so he had the drive and passion for fitness. His mind was always running so his creative juices were always flowing. At the tail-end of his footballing career he invented his first product called the EZ Kicker Football. From there he invented his famous product the ‘MASS Suit’. This launched him into the athlete product market and eventually led him to selling all athletic and fitness products which he has used throughout his life. Jesse has actual experience and knowledge of what and how to use certain fitness equipment. He is not just an average salesman like many others out there.
Jesse uses his knowledge to improve the health and fitness market to allow individuals to live a happy and healthier lifestyle. By creating fitness classes and routines, he has given thousands the chance to lose weight and get on track to looking and feeling the way they dreamed of. With the science of his training products, Juke Performance and Jesse have entered into the markets of helping people with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Cancer and other special needs or diseases. His extensive research and work has put him in the field of helping out wounded soldiers and others who have suffered traumatic injuries.
Bringing more Fitness into your Life
Juke Performance was created with Jesse’s background and experience in sports. He has worked and played with some of the best athletes and trainers and has used top of the line equipment, thus giving him a strong foundation to create an athletic/fitness equipment company.
Juke Performance has helped people in many ways but the product that stands out the most is the MASS Suit. MASS Suit is one of the most dynamic products on the market. The Suit improves athletes and fitness enthusiasts in their speed, strength, power, agility, and endurance. It is used by athletes across different sports. You can wear it in the pool, on a bike, out for a run, and during your high-performance trainings.
Jesse mentions that this is truly one of the greatest functional training products on the market. Having worked with professional athletes in the NFL, NBA, MLS, UFC, and PGA, he feels remarkable what each athlete feels while wearing the Suit. After training in the Suit, you will feel sore in certain areas the following day. That will tell you where you need to concentrate to improve strength and ultimately decrease the chances of injury.
Inspiring Journey to Success
The biggest roadblock Jesse faced while starting his new business was lack of funds. The funds to keep the wheels turning. It costs a whole lot more than what most think to start and run a company and money is a hard thing to come upon. “I did not come from money or was given money. I had to earn it myself or go out and find it. Everything else that you think is a roadblock you just find a way or learn it yourself,” added Jesse.
“My journey has not been easy. It’s been a long journey. I knew that this stage of my life was going to be a lot of learning and educating. Every year we improve but it’s a lot of hard work, failures and discovering new ways to improve,” said Jesse.
At Juke Performance Jesse pretty much wears all hats. He tries to delegate tasks but oversees all projects when it comes to the final decision. He handles most of the marketing along with their marketing director just because he loves marketing and providing concepts which are then handed over to the graphic designer. He likewise handles sales and personal relations. He also helps in designing the gyms and installations and builds some of the equipment, so he knows how it’s built and if anything goes wrong how to fix it. Jesse even drops simple products off to meet clients in person and to talk with other owners. “All CEO’s need to remember that they are never too big to do the grunt work,” asserts Jesse.
Advice for Aspiring Leaders
Jesse strongly advises to follow your ideas and passion until the end. An idea without execution is just an idea. “I hear all the time; I had that Idea, or I have an idea. So many people waste their time and money to get a patent and never do anything with it. Don’t be one of those people,” said Jesse. He further added that along the way if you bring your idea to life there will be tons of haters and people telling you ‘no’. Don’t listen and move on to the next. Also, prepare yourself for stress and lack of money!
Future Endeavors
Jesse assured that the future looks bright for him as well as Juke Performance. They have many more stages to complete. They are working on the third stage right now with the growth of the company. “Who knows where that will lead us but we have a couple more stages to complete after this? You may find us in the tech world one day,” added Jesse.
Jesse asserted that he will always want to keep selling and developing products, but he is not old school and loves innovative projects. He believes that one has to keep up with the times but also not abandon our past because people love simple products. “You won’t bench press a computer or your smartphone. People will always want dumbbells, barbells and the MASS Suit to further their strength and speed!” explained Jesse.