We are complex human beings who play many roles in our personal, spiritual, professional, and social lives. Thus, any transformation, at work or in personal life, can’t happen by focusing on just one particular dimension. True transformation involves aligning, synchronizing, integrating, and creating resonance among multiple dimensions of our personality to achieve meaningful goals without having to change ourselves.
Changing people’s lives through accelerated learning is one such expert’s global goal. Dr. Raman Attri is a futuristic learning educator, corporate learning leader, inspiring speaker, a prolific author, and the founder of Get There Faster.
As a transformational leader he believes in helping people to speed up the integration process. He adds, “In my training and coaching sessions on the ‘science of speed’, I encourage leaders to aim for true transformation.” He believes the ultimate way to speed up the path to excellence is to leverage all dimensions of the personality and create resonance among them.
Dr. Raman has also been recognized in the Brainz’s Global 500 leaders of 2021 alongside stellar leaders like Oprah Winfrey, Jay Shetty, Jim Kwik, and Gary Vaynerchuk, to name a few.
The Irony of Life
During his early years, Dr. Raman faced many physical and mental hardships due to his disability. “When I was six months old, I contracted the polio virus that left me permanently disabled,” he recollects. Later on, he could go to school, because of heavy prosthetics. But at the same time, it alienated him from others and made him feel slow-paced in life.
Dr. Raman yearned to find ways to attain “speed” and ironically, he found it in his “shortcoming.” Due to immobility, he got contained to his room, away from any social interactions or play time with kids of his age. He shares, “I leveraged that advantage of having lots of distraction-free time and started reading a lot of books, whatever I could afford to get at that time.” This led him to master concepts and subjects beyond his age.
Soon, this became a differentiating factor that nurtured his curiosity to become a scientist. After bagging his engineering degree at the age of 21, he was hired as a scientist the following year. He was living the most enviable dream.
As years passed, Dr. Raman cracked the code of learning faster and realized that being a learning and training leader was his niche. “I was fortunate enough to be entrusted with leading an international Hall of the Fame training center for a $60bn Fortune 500 corporation,” he mentions.
Subsequently, he earned over 100 international educational degrees and credentials. Afterwards, he went for intensive research for over ten years and earned two doctorates in the learning domain. Additionally, he also wrote 20 multi-genre books alongside.
Eventually, Dr. Raman mastered his authority on speed and losing “speed” in his personal life made him seek it elsewhere, and that journey transformed him. Today, he is known for his impeccable promise to shorten time to mastery by 50%.
Get There Faster
Dr. Raman Attri’s programs are meant for common people who want to progress forward, faster. He did this by offering his premium services after two decades of formal scientific research. “I built know-how of proven and tested strategies for individuals and organizations on context-basis, which is an important competitive factor in the contemporary world,” he says.
Dr. Raman calls it the “Get there faster” system —a system that helps people achieve their goals including learning faster in professional settings, mastering a new job or skill quickly, shortening leadership path or achieving more in lesser or same time.
“I want to disseminate my know-how to a larger population of businesses and executives,” he shares. He does this by scheduling calls with interested individuals and guiding them in setting quantifiable expectations. Then, based on the needs, he suggests choices like group mentoring (for 12 months in 50 group sessions) or 1:1 individual coaching (for 6-12 months in 12 personalized sessions).
Dr. Raman says, “These world-class training programs, coaching, and mentoring come with a fair money-back promise to speed up their path by 2x, cut up to about 50% time from their journeys and achieve 200% improvement in the same or less time.” Subsequently, at the end of the program a reflection session is conducted that prepares individuals to scale to grander heights.
Winning at his multifaceted life
From being an author to being a researcher to becoming a prolific global leader, Dr. Raman’s leadership journey has been inspiring to say the least.
In his words, his journey was about seeking the state of ‘resonance,’ where all the dimensions start vibrating at the same frequency to amplify the success. He adds, “When I mastered the art of learning better and faster, I decided to share this knowledge with others.”
However, the biggest cloud of doubt that was looming over him was — “will my methods work equally well for others?”
That is when he resorted to a deeper level of research to understand the science of learning better and faster. While he found several research studies on this topic, not all of those translated well enough for a commoner to use those methods. To resolve this, Dr. Raman transformed all his findings to a practical know-how guide.
Moreover, this knowledge also helped him learn the art of leadership faster. He explains that it was his research that is the core reason for him to becoming a prolific leader, author, scientist, and speaker at an international level.
Dr. Raman is always bubbling with ideas to make others’ lives better. He also has an interesting take on work-life balance as he feels the relevance of it is no longer applicable in today’s circumstances.
Instead, he believes now is the time to explore how we could integrate these separate worlds or dimensions and dedicate time to each of these “equally” to complete our overall existence. That’s how he strives for collective excellence.
This guiding philosophy not only helps him achieve resonance in his simple work-life balance but also helps him accomplish more in less time. For instance, he says, “I have written 20 books, delivered hundreds of keynotes, got over 100 media features, and earned several degrees while being a full-time corporate management leader.”
On a typical day, Dr. Raman handles operations at the Hall of Fame training center, working with teams distributed across Singapore, the US, Israel, India, Taiwan, and other places in Asia. His evenings and weekends are taken to serve the “Get there Faster” movement, write books, and impart coaching or training with zeal and focus. On the social side, he enjoys spending time with his lovely kid and family.
Building resilience in failures
For Dr. Raman, his biggest lessons were from his personal challenges rather than his professional challenges. But when he overcame these challenges, it became a differentiator to be successful in the professional world.
Being born in an impoverished family and facing social challenges like isolation, teasing, bullying, and alienation from others, there seemed to be almost no light at the end of the tunnel. “When nothing positive happened to my life, I decided to use the negativity that surrounded me. I leveraged my weaknesses or limitations as my x-factors,” he asserts.
One important lesson that Dr. Raman holds close to him is that “there are always leverages among limitations or failures — be it your failed business, your incomplete projects, your financial losses, or your rejected ideas.” He continues, “At first, those might seem like unbreakable walls of limitation but if you look closely, you will realize that not every wall needs to be broken down. Most will have windows too, which would let you see and reach the world beyond the walls.”
When questioned about the things Dr. Raman Attri would do in a unique way while looking back, he shares three things that he would do differently.
First, he would choose a career that involved learning, teaching, training, and writing. “If I could, I would cut-short many years from my journey by avoiding going for engineering or other scientific domains which weren’t my niche,” he adds.
Second, though he had imparted his findings in the form of books, he would have still chosen to opt for speaking about it early in his career rather than waiting for it to culminate, which would have opened many doors for him sooner.
Third, he would focus on the relationships he had with people rather than technologies, tools, systems, models. He says, “I missed paying attention to choosing the right people and building a good network. If you want to have a successful career, it cannot be achieved in isolation.”
Sharing the single biggest truth
In a fast-paced world, motivation is not the only factor to keep you going. There are other variables like clarity, caliber, and candor that are rare attributes to adapt.
During Dr. Raman’s journey, he learned a brutal truth of life. He believes in an unpredictable world like that of business, a sense of inspiration, external motivation, and willpower are short-lived. As an entrepreneur, you should focus on gaining two-dimensional clarity.
The first dimension is getting clarity about your “Why” drives, which are your emotional or heart-felt reasons, frustrations, complaints, or experiences that push you to do what you want to do.
The second dimension is getting clarity about your “What for” motives, which pulls you towards a purpose or outcome that you hope to achieve. This is what quantifies those tangibles of achieving something you planned to do.
He adds, “Balancing both dimensions are vital, and mastering them will ensure unimaginable speed towards success.” His advice for emerging and aspiring leaders would be to search for that two-dimensional clarity and make it as your superpower in the VUCA world.
Fast-tracking futuristic goals
Dr. Raman has experienced both the best and the worst side of education, learning, training, and professional development. He points out that our system of training in schools, colleges, universities, and even in organizations does not prepare us fast enough to face life.
There are millions of people who need good professional development. They need to learn faster and progress faster. While some of them can afford expensive mentoring programs, the underprivileged ones get no guidance on speeding up the progress.
This is where he draws inspiration from his life. Having lived in scarcity, he believes one should offer their wisdom to those who either direly need it or are truly hungry for it because only they will know its true value.
As a result, Dr. Raman has decided to expand “Get There Faster” coaching, training, and mentoring programs to serve those who have big dreams but not big means.