The financial state in recent years has been quite dubious. After the meltdown in the first decade of the 21st century, the global financial conditions were recovering. Countries were investing in massive amounts to ensure a stable economic state and back the progress of nations. Private investors were also infusing money into the market to increase their profit margin. And then emerged COVID-19 a decade later, wreaking havoc across industries worldwide.
All these ups and downs in economies of both developed and developing nations impact everyday lives in unprecedented ways. Inflation skyrockets. People lose jobs. Companies shut down. But these are just few of the by-products of economic disruption. There are other crises like health scares that can suddenly change the lifestyle dynamics. The only way out is a planned financial investment, which would provide some sort of security, and it can be done without initiating drastic measures.
Many would argue that such a balancing act is a difficult target to achieve. But Christina Snyder, the Associate Partner and Wealth Advisor of Jacob William Advisory (JWA), finds this easily manageable. She encourages her clients to create a ‘lifestyle plan’ that requires minimum compromise but is effective enough to safeguard dreams.
Her Years Of Evolution
A lot of grooming is required to be aware of the present and future financial worries. Sometimes people experience this through a course structured by educational institutes, sometimes they inherit this, and in some instances, miserable conditions teach people about the value of investing and saving.
But the number of people who squander their money and then struggle to survive is also huge. This happens due to a lack of grooming from an early age. However, this was not the case with Christina as she got to taste both aspects of the financial state, the good and the bad, at an early age.
Her mother was a bit conservative in nature and preferred to save. This shaped her early years in Greece but when, as an adolescent, she came to the United States to live with her father, she realized how unplanned moves could trigger a collapse. The turbulent times forced her to change three different high schools and they moved six times during that period. The stress was too much to bear.
Christina took both these lessons in her stride and strived for financial independence when she turned 18. She moved out of her father’s place to achieve financial stability and found herself in the financial services industry when she was 20. Such an early start has its advantage as it provided her with an opportunity to “implement the money management strategies and budgeting practices” to her own finances.
Her formative years were riddled with struggles. Instead of finishing her high-school education in Greece, she had to come to the U.S. at the age of 14. She had to endure a lot because of the language barrier she faced in the country. English was her second language, which created obstacles for her during school days.
On a professional level, Christina would have preferred support from mentors at a much earlier stage. But when she found mentors, they inspired her and injected her with confidence, which helped her in dodging blockades and accomplishing goals. Their influence put her on a compelling growth trajectory.
What Motivates Her
A sense of clarity in her purpose, the desired alignment with her true self, and her will to infuse her “family, community, and client’s lives with positive energy” drives her ahead. As a person and as a leader, she prefers to maintain a crystal-clear approach, which is why she has set weekly indicators to evaluate how well she is doing.
No matter what, cutting corners and moving away from the path of excellence are not options for her. But at the same time, she values the roles of a mentor and like-minded individuals and spending time with the best of peers.
Her Financial Career
Christina’s experience in the financial sector for the past two and a half decades taught her that there is no perfect investment or financial plan. Planning has to be in sync with the realization of the personal “big picture.” Better acquaintance with that would ease the process of choosing the right plan. This inspired her to help clients create “lifestyle plans,” wherein strategies get developed as per the client’s understanding of their individual needs.
The approach is enticing for her clients as it helps in aligning “financial decisions with what matters most in their lives.” The process involves going back to basics and proper knowledge of what people want to do with their money. Efficient coordination can effectively put things into perspective and ensure a proper balance.
Christina considers her time in the financial industry as rewarding. All the ups and downs she had experienced led her to her present role as Associate Partner and Wealth Advisor at Jacob William Advisory (JWA). Prior to that, she was fortunate enough to work for a financial institution for over twenty years and with an insurance broker dealer, which loaded her with diverse types of experience.
Her diverse roles in those companies helped her expand her portfolio, which now covers areas like retirement and estate planning, portfolio, and risk management. She has also worked with attorneys and CPAs, thereby endowing her with knowledge of specialized plans. Now when she ponders upon those, she realizes that her experiences acted as stepping stones for what she has gone on to become.
What Makes Jacob William Advisory Coveted?
The financial sector is full of jargons and most of these terms common people don’t easily understand. Even after consulting financial advisors, people fail to have a complete grasp of their money. But at Jacob William Advisory, things are not so complicated as the dealings here are driven by a belief of ensuring clarity in the process by informing their clients about what’s happening in each step.
The company has built its reputation around a simple structure that involves a tripartite structure – creating effective game plans, speaking in a common language and being straightforward about fees. Its team is full of people with in-depth knowledge of the field; a feature that has been lauded by Forbes, Barron’s, Financial Times and WealthManagement.com, who rank the company as one of the premier organizations. The company is also a “registered Investment Advisory with fiduciary responsibility toward its clients.”
The future plans involve making clients financially independent so that they can live the life they always dreamt of. On a personal level, Christina wants to increase her part in diverse media like podcasts, radio, and live events.
Leadership Ideas
Christina believes that a true leader always thinks about empowering and encouraging people around him or her and then converts it into action. They support and challenge their teams to ensure an upward trajectory and while doing so, they also foster their success and promote trust, along with integrity.
She wants to make these traits a part of her life as she knows that these will help her transform lives for the better. For an entrepreneur, it is essential to learn the value of integrity as that can help in evolving as a leader. Their works should reflect that integrity as it builds a sound follower base and forms a solid foundation for a sustainable future.
Investment advisory services offered through CWM, LLC an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Carson Partners, a division of CWM, LLC is a nationwide partnership of advisors. Jacob William Advisory | 9515 Deereco Rd., Ste. 201, Timonium, MD 21093 | 410.821.6724