Entrepreneurship is at the heart of the American spirit. Leading industry experts describe entrepreneurship to be creative, risk-taking, innovative, dynamic and growth oriented. They believe that focusing on your ideas and expertise is what really matters when it comes to path-breaking entrepreneurship.
In the Land of Opportunity, entrepreneurship is perpetually in vogue and the only way to become more entrepreneurial is to improve productivity and compete more effectively in the global marketplace.
For Alex Leveto, entrepreneurship is truly the lifeblood of the country. As the COO of Realty Companies, Alex offers his perspective on the anatomy of entrepreneurship. For him, it is a “creative outlet to express who you are in the world through your work ethic and product.”
Inspired by his personal vision of being a master of one, rather than a jack of all trades, he has earned a reputation in his favorite niche: Land. “I push myself through business to become the best person I possibly can be. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into my career and am extremely thankful to live in a country that supports capitalism, entrepreneurship, and the American Dream,” he shares.
Channeling an Abundance Mindset
Alex Leveto started his journey as a young leader, selling energy drinks and health products. This venture encouraged him to take charge of his life and envision his own business.
All of 16, Alex operated with such clarity and candor so that he could grab every opportunity that came his way. So later when his cousin approached him to join a network marketing company called Vemma, he did not miss a beat.
This company’s mission was to help others build financial freedom by providing a platform for members to create their own business. The team established a medal ranking system for each of the future entrepreneurs and encouraged a “sky’s the limit” mindset. This is also where Alex discovered the fun and the strength in thinking of business as a game.
“I wanted to become the best as I am a fierce competitor by nature. The business taught me that if I worked hard and smart, I could reach my goals and create financial freedom for myself at a young age.” This singular mission resonated with Alex’s personal mission statement.
He continues, “I quickly realized that no matter what business I ended up in, I was going to work harder than anyone else and become the best at whatever I set my mind to.”
His Relationship with Early Success
In the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey, Alex struggled with the notion that someone senior to him would take the advice of an “18-year-old kid with little-to-no real estate experience.” He confesses, “I, for a moment, allowed this hardship to put me into a box and restrict me from success.”
For Alex, his vision mattered, regardless of his age. He feels it is important to just go for it, while you have time on your side. Whatever you’re looking to build, just do it, try it, even fail at it. The sooner you realize that no one is looking at or judging you, the better off you’ll be, especially when there’s so much opportunity out there in this world.
So, after investing 6 months into his career, Alex decided he had to overcome his “fear of age”. “I decided to embrace my youth and take ownership over my skills rather than my setbacks. The only two things I knew I could control were how hard I worked, and how fast I learned. I realized I was an anomaly, but no one ever gets anywhere without facing a degree of adversity,” he adds.
Gradually, Alex changed his way of thinking and focused his energy on succeeding instead of dwelling on the reasons to fail. He learned everything there was to know about sales, land, and development. He realized that if he presented himself as a true professional with an arsenal of confidence in his abilities, no one could stop him.
“I discovered that money and freedom do not care what age you are. I now reflect on my accomplishments as a young man and take pride in the fact that I am building success off of my start as just a kid; it inspires me to do more and to keep striving towards higher places,” he says.
Exeleon Shorts – Alex Leveto
One Book Entrepreneurs Must Read – Rich Dad, Poor Dad (The first business book I ever read)
One Productivity Tool / App that Everyone Should Use – Use the 80/20 principle to establish your to-do list based on your goals. 20% of what you do equates to 80% of your success. Focus on those things. Write these down every day.
One Podcast / Course that you would Recommend – Bigger Pockets
One Movie / Show that you would Recommend – Million Dollar Listing New York
One Quote that Motivates you the Most – “Expansion always, in all ways.” – Ryan Serhant
One Investment Advice that you Follow – When there is a down market, it presents a large opportunity to come in and buy for pennies on the dollar but you must be patient and well funded.
Stimulating Entrepreneurship and Technology
Alex attributes a growing surge in entrepreneurship to the evolution of technology and the digital age that young individuals now live in.
He feels that “the internet has allowed people to connect virtually through endless software and resources that are cutting-edge. When my grandfather and father were in the prime of their careers, they did not have the internet. My father shares stories of using paper maps and having to go to courthouses for hours to look through property ownership logs.”
He also believes that being in the land brokerage business and having resources such as Google Maps is a game-changer. The ability to do things such as virtually “drop in” on a street and view a property is a luxury our generation takes for granted.
These advancements are extreme timesavers that allow his company to be in many places at once rather than having to drive everywhere to do business.
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On Goal-Setting and Achieving Success
Passion propels ideas forward. You need it to tell a good story to your audience about the problem you are trying to solve — and to find the right people, who are equally excited about addressing the pain points you care about.
Alex used his perspective and distance to help and determine the feasibility of his idea. Along with being an anomaly in the real-estate space, he wrote a book “Why Stop at a Million” when he was just 18 years old.
The reason he wrote this simple, 50-page book was due to the encouragement of his peers at school. “I was approached with interest in my story and for advice on goal setting to achieve success in the next chapter of life after graduation. After meeting around 50 people over time, I decided it would make sense to write a book covering some of the most successful tips I knew at the time and applied to my own life,” he says candidly.
It has been 8 years since the book was written and he has certainly learned a lot since then. However, he would still recommend it to any new entrepreneur out there. “I think hearing the voice and perspective of someone like-minded at such a young age is what an earlier me would have needed at the time,” he quickly adds.
Through his diligent efforts and timeless resilience, Realty Companies (RC) has continued to grow its business footprint as well as its brand. Alex believes that their expansion across Southeast in the past few years is primarily due to their rebranding initiatives in 2020, jolting the company ahead into the modern day.
“We have changed our logos, signage, website, look and feel, strategy, and hiring techniques. We have hired smart and strategic team members that have given us new perspectives and propelled us forward,” he says.
His team has a lot of interesting new strategies up their sleeve coming to the marketplace soon, and he is excited about what the future holds for Realty Companies.