The medical equipment segment is witnessing an overhauling change due to the constant percolation of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and machine learning. Its impact is multifold. On one hand, the diagnostic sector is benefitting from advanced technologies as it is fast-tracking treatments and increasing the system’s efficacy as a whole in unprecedented ways. On the other hand, this change is opening up avenues for new entrants to try out their luck in the market and introduce innovations.
The latter has a dynamic influence on the market. Innovations act as a catalyst that takes the market ahead but simultaneously, this makes the market competitive. Its subsequent results are always favorable for the market.
Industries need disruptions from time to time to keep the growth trajectories secured. Suzana Demir is aware of this fact and has hence put her steps forward in the medical equipment diagnostic market- to change, to impact, and to permeate more. These intents are now an integral part of Eko Grafiti, a company founded by Suzana Demir.
What Motivates Her?
Suzana always had this plan of becoming an entrepreneur – to start a career where she can command her moves and guide others to a successful future. It was this passion that led her to the formation of her company Eko Grafiti.
The market is quite densely packed with great names. It is very difficult for any newcomer just to barge in and leave an indelible mark. In fact, a lot of companies have failed to move past the initial few years in the last two or three decades. It is because the market is constantly evolving, technologies are changing and, along with them, the demand.
Suzana has rightly identified the factors that can help her grow a sustainable business. One of them is innovation and the other is adaptability. The more one can adapt with the change, the better is their chance of survival.
The desire to become an entrepreneur fosters from the love for the freedom of decision-making and a path of relative independence. However, such roles often come with a massive bag of burden. It is especially disorienting when one realizes that the number of startups still active after completing 5 years in the market is not that high.
Suzana Demir was not afraid of such responsibilities. She knew it from the beginning that she has to work hard to ensure a benchmark for her company by providing it with stability and quality. These are now a part of the company’s belief system and these get reflected in its long-term goals and programs.
The COVID-19 Crisis
The initial days of the COVID-19 pandemic were a bit sketchy. Only a handful of people knew the exact scenario. But when the outbreak happened, people realized how inadequate the existing medical structure was, thereby triggering a global rise in demand for better tools to counter this pandemic. The first step was to get the right kit to determine the disease and its impact level. It was necessary to crack the crippling effect the pandemic had on various medical facilities.
Suzana Demir and her team increased their efforts to get a foothold in this situation. Their R&D team came up with one of the best rapid test kits for the coronavirus. The company took a stand to go beyond the limits of their home market with the kit and penetrate the European countries to have a lasting impact.
Her step of taking out the business beyond its geographical limits was a conscious one as it helped her in earning a membership position at the Global Chamber of Business Leaders. This step has borne fruits for her in terms of creating opportunities and since then, she claims to be having a remarkable time.
But the step was not only limited to expanding the reach and increasing ROI. Suzana also donated a substantial amount of the kit to various European countries on the grounds of compassion.
Why the Company Stands Out?
The world has turned into a global village where reaching out to people is no longer a big deal. As an entrepreneur, Suzana Demir is aware of this and her measured steps are always in sync with it. But others are also vying for the same, which narrows down the scope of having a real differentiating factor.
That is why Suzana ensures that her clients remain satisfied with the products and services her company offers. Her team of researchers always tries to develop tools that are state-of-the-art and avant-garde. They delve deep into the market for insights and understand the consumer needs to develop products accordingly. This step is crucial as it improves the company’s credibility and helps in building a sustainable future.
Her Learning Steps
Suzana is not a person who dwells in her past. Her decisions have left her with no ifs and buts. Whatever she is today is because of her past decisions and she is happy with her present.
But just like any other leader, Suzana Demir too faced roadblocks during her growing years. However, she got enough opportunities to learn from the mistakes made by others. Her field has so many peers; some are with decades of experience, some are new, and some fizzled out after toiling hard. She learned from what they have done so far and where they went wrong. Those insights have helped her immensely in avoiding errors in crucial turns.
What’s the Vision?
At present, the company is witnessing stability. There are new opportunities on the cards, which the Eko Grafiti will soon explore to seek new possibilities.
On a personal level, Suzana is waiting for this pandemic to get over and things to return to their normal state as it will help her plan and act in better ways. However, her own state as an entrepreneur will not change at all. In her words, “I certainly see myself in entrepreneurship, in what I do today and in what I want to develop and continue to grow personally.”
Her Take on Leadership
Suzana Demir feels that self-discipline and determination are prerequisites for a good leader as these help set a reasonable goal. In addition, the leader should also know how to listen, he or she should have patience and pay heed to what others have to say.
A leader’s growth depends on the people he or she is surrounded with. “No one wants to educate followers, but future leaders.” When it comes to learning, helping others grow and bring new knowledge to the table positively impacts. It gives a leader some much-needed insights and strength.
However, Suzana feels the time is not really favorable for upcoming entrepreneurs and doesn’t even have a real silver lining. But those who want to get into the groove can look for opportunities and try to explore them by adapting to the projects’ needs.