In the past few years Exeleon magazine has faced a quick rise to prominence. What began as a means of providing quick business news to the readers now takes an in-depth look into the lives of entrepreneurs and presents their stories in raw formats. Here are 5 such stories that every budding entrepreneur should read and be inspired by.
Each one of them is unique in their own way, and tells a story of success in different walks of life. So, read through this list of the best interviews of Exeleon Magazine and scroll through the ones that interest you the most. There are plenty more interviews on their website so make sure to check those out as well.
Best Interviews of Exeleon magazine
Interview with Eileen Wilett – Co-founder of Cucumber Clothing
While most interviews try to find a holistic look into the lives of entrepreneurs, this particular interview takes on a clear angle. It delves on the concept of leadership, and provides insights on what it takes to be the leader of a new fashion brand. From understanding the thoughts behind the formulation of the brand that is Cucumber Clothing, to the definition of an entrepreneur who is also a leader, this is a highly insightful interview that any budding businessperson should read.
Another important reason as to why this interview really stands out is because it embodies the true aura of an independent woman entrepreneur. Representation is important and this interview truly serves its purpose when it comes to inspiring young women who are trying to enter the world of business on their own. If you are planning to read some of the best interviews of Exeleon magazine, you should definitely start here!
Additionally, you also get to know the inner workings of a fashion brand and for fashion entrepreneurs there are a lot of pointers to take note of. From overcoming roadblocks to finding the right channels that drive a business, Eileen Willett truly presents an inside story in this interview.
Interview with Jenny Costa – Founder of Rubies in the Rubble
A woman with a purpose, Jenny Costa serves not only her entrepreneurial goals but also attempts to better the world through her business. From growing up in a small farm to owning a rapidly growing business, her journey is one of inspiration, hardship, and dreams. But at the end of the day she talks of loving what she does through her business and perhaps this is something that many entrepreneurs miss out on.
She did not know the market not did she have the funding. But what she did have was the passion to drive herself and the knowledge to back her venture. This interview reads like a story, and it is a story that can inspire generations to come. Jenny Costa aims to build a world where the concept of food wastage no longer exists, and if there was ever a business with a true cause behind it, her organic food start-up ‘Rubies in the Rubble’ is right up there!
Interview with Rasheda Kamaria Williams – Empowered Flower Girl Founder
Empowerment is at the core of a woman choosing her own course in life. In this interview Rasheda Williams tells the heartfelt story of how her own childhood led to her creating a platform that can help young girls find a purpose and direction in life. Understanding the different aspects of working with children is no easy task, as every child is multi-faceted. Still, she manages to find the right means of helping each one find their footing.
Her brand is not only unique but is also close to her as a person. She is a true believer of empowerment and this interview or rather the story of her journey is one that can empower many young entrepreneurs as well. Furthermore, being a woman of color Rasheda speaks from a place that is not always privileged, but is always true. This makes the interview an even more interesting read and definitely one of the best interviews of Exeleon magazine.
Interview with Andrew Simpson – COO of CaseWare RCM Inc.
Andrew Simposon talks about creating a vision and how it ties into creating a successful business. He says that it’s not just about getting your work done by capable people, rather it’s about sharing your vision with your team and creating a something that will last for a long time. His views as presented in this interview is truly different from most young entrepreneurs out there, and every business minded person should read this to have a wider perspective of how to become a successful leader.
He talks about the excitement that the tech industry can provide to an entrepreneur and most importantly he talks about learning from failures. If you are tired of business leaders bloating their success stories, then this will be a very different read.
Interview with Nicole Martin – Founder of HRBoost
Nicole Martin refers to herself as an accidental entrepreneur. She says that it was never her plan to create a business identity. But her experiences and the way she viewed the business world led her to becoming one. This is a unique story and in this interview, she presents her case without holding back. She was extremely good at her job and held leadership positions, but soon enough she saw herself leading her own team.
This story of transformation and independence is one that is present throughout the world of entrepreneurs but rarely touched upon. The ability to present this story in its truest essence makes this interview one of Exeleon’s most sophisticated.
If you are looking for the best business magazine but are tired of reading the same old Forbes and Business Insider, then Exeleon should be your go-to source for news and interviews. Run by a team of sharp minds, they already have a ton of new interviews lined up. So, make sure that you subscribe to stay updated and also a pick-up a physical copy if it’s available at your local newsstand!