While it began with a blast, the Moore’s Law has seen gradual retrogression in the time which has followed its acceptance worldwide. Naturally, the impact of disillusionment with Moore’s law also shows its effects on the developments of computing. Nonetheless, all is not lost and the computing universe has come up with new and stranger methods which out run the sophisticated one’s like quantum computing.
The following list is a sneak peek into the very nature of this novel technology and the different computing methods :
Relay Through Chilled Quantum Neurons
The human brain is capable of wonders which are solely possible because of the intertwined working of neurons that expend a mere 10 femtojoules of energy for processing information. Developing on this model, the scientists at US National Institute of Standards and Technology, have worked out a model of artificially designed neurons capable of transferring data during simulations at 2 femtojoules of energy.
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Capitalizing on Interconnects by Computing Through Wires
Innovators at the University of Missouri, under Naveen Kumar Macha, capitalized on the one common feature of all advanced processors i.e. interconnects, to design a system which acts as per fundamental logic gates or circuits and transfers data across devices with half the amount of wires which are needed.
So, while cross talk (or induced logic gate properties) require three transistors for carrying out XOR, traditional CMOS is likely to use 14 with a quarter more physical space.
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Energy Efficient Silicon Circuit Boards
It is a common observation for all programmers, that the efficiency of data flow between processor and windows is much poorer than that between the different parts of the processor.
Hence, in order to boost the speed of the former, researchers-based team lead by Puneet Gupta at the University of California have proposed usage of ICs with “silicon integrated fabric” in place of other circuits where energy consumption in transfers through chips and resulting heat production is relatively high.
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Overworking Blobs of Carbon
Coming from the desks of England and probably the strangest of all innovations, the carbon nanotubes are indeed a promising venture, especially for those who have observed the nanomaterial solving classification problems from the energy of an electrode. The network of blobs is an interesting innovation for it resolves the basic trouble of optimization.
Application of any of these strange methods to modern day computing strategies is yet a bigger question than the availability of the former in technological markets. In spite of all, such different Computing Methods usher new age of mechanics as Moore’s Law promised.