Ask Mary Gehr—Founder/Chief Talent Officer of Talent Platform Solutions (TPS) LLC—what prompted the inception of TPS or the story behind the TPS moniker, and you can expect a modest smile. She wants to dig into what truly energizes her: Her vision—and how it gives TPS its edge. Thus, launches an eye-opening portrait of a meticulous forward thinker.
Standing Out
“What sets Talent Platform Solutions apart from other talent consulting firms?” Mary repeats thoughtfully, shoulders back but leaning slightly forward—always engaged. She breaks into a concise but elegant reflection: “It’s the inspired way that we craft each and every project. Through TPS our clients gain innovative tools and valuable technologies which we can hand-select as we determine the specific demands and objectives of their organizations…” She pauses and reflects a moment. “A further key for many clients is providing proprietary methods to attract high-end talent—diverse talent—multi-language talent.” TPS adapts learning and development programs that zero in on the employee’s journey, driving an employer value proposition and a high-performing culture.
Mary’s explanation of what gives Talent Platform Solutions an edge speaks volumes to the versatility of her experience. Black lean six sigma certification—check. Project Management (CAPM) certification—check. Concretely-speaking, Mary’s education and extensive, diverse experience in the industry have turned out an almost dizzying highlight reel of successes. Disarmingly genuine and warm, she makes sure the “floor” is hers and continues. “TPS’s forte is taking a modest project and seeing it through to an expertly orchestrated end-to-end transformation project.”
Spearheading Success
Mary comes across as an intuitive leader, inspiring loyalty from and greatness in her teams. She is known for hand-picking the exact specialists for each assignment. She exudes not only vision for how to create blueprints guaranteed to succeed, but also for helping those solutions create legacies. Mary’s tireless motivation to help organizations capture potential makes clear why she was named one of the “Top 50 Women” in 2019’s Top 100 Magazine.
For client kudos, look no further than Titus Leffel, VP & Exec Business Owner-BI/Compliance, Johnson Controls Global Finance. Commending her on a results-oriented approach and the professionalism with which she carries out her role, he discusses how not only did TPS “enable [them] to accomplish much in terms of executing on [their] various transitions, in three different global locations…” but also “helped [them] drive through major hiring campaigns” and “established TA organizations that are able to perform at a similar level.”
Clearly, Mary Gehr’s contribution and business model within the competitive world of Talent Solutions hinges on her ability to approach clients with precise resources and talent crafted for a seamless confluence of ideas and practices (however small or large the organization). Flexibility defines Gehr. And her people-oriented leadership style. Mary Gehr will undoubtedly drive Talent Platform Solutions forward, surpassing its current high-water mark of industry success.
Future of Growth
What does the future hold for TPS? Judging by the buzz around the office, the short answer seems to be: A LOT! The challenges arising from COVID have affected every business sector, particularly talent acquisition, Mary explains. Global organizations and small businesses alike find themselves in the market for high-quality talent. TPS’s track record of giving employers and prospective talent the power of choice has always given the company an edge. But as companies begin to rebuild after this crisis, it will become increasingly relevant.
According to the company, it has a potentially-immense role to play in getting businesses back on track, both domestically and abroad, says Mary emphatically. A low-unemployment culture (pre-COVID) equates to a candidate-driven market. That was then; this is now. Businesses and companies today will encounter an unprecedented, abundant pool of talent options. Talent Platform Solutions can pair associates and businesses in ways that ensure compatibility and productivity, she states. With unemployment numbers being staggeringly high and businesses motivated to charge forward, TPS’s highly-valuable contribution seems to be as certain as Mary’s optimism for the future.